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[STDS-802-11] 802.11 ARC teleconferences - IEEE Std 802

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

ARC members,


This is to announce teleconferences for 802.11 ARC, on the subject of our review and consideration of responses on the expected LB for the IEEE Std 802 revision.  These teleconferences will be on Mondays, Feb 6 and 27, at 1pm ET, for 2 hours.


Please note that ARC is also planning to have teleconference discussions on the topic of Unicast Beacons (and related frames).  The telecon timing for this topic is still TBD, until I can coordinate with the contribution author about when further contribution updates will be available. It is possible we’ll combine that topic with the above mentioned teleconferences, if there is sufficient time on the agenda, or we may have dedicated calls for this topic.  Any teleconference that will consider this topic will be announced with 10 days’ notice, as per our rules.


Thanks.  Mark

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