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[STDS-802-11] Role of 802.11 energy-efficiency features and spectrum policy to combat climate change re EU RSPG consultation

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear Dorothy and 802.11 members,

As per the email referenced below, EU RSPG recently launched a consultation entitled "Questionnaire on the Role of Radio Spectrum Policy to help combat Climate Change" that aims to gather relevant information from Member States and stakeholders (and all interested parties) related to climate change. There are a couple of questions that ask for (new) technologies for improving energy efficiency.

I believe it may be useful we can inform the EU RPSG if there are (1) any IEEE 802.11-based energy-efficiency features and/or (2) any material we can justify the latest advance of license-exempt technologies helps, e.g., addressing climate change,  so as to demonstrate the value of IEEE 802 (IEEE 802.11 in this case) in this policy development that is important to the EU.

IEEE 802.18 will have a discussion on this consultation later today - AM2 (10:30am ET to 12:30pm ET) in Room 205-206.  If interested, I would encourage you to join our discussion.  Background information of this consultation can be found in slides 25 to 28 of the IEEE 802.18 March plenary supplementary slide deck (


On Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 12:17 PM Edward Au <> wrote:
Dear 802.18 members,
cc 802.11, 802.15, 802.19 members,

On 20 February 2023, EU Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) launched a consultation entitled "Questionnaire on the Role of Radio Spectrum Policy to help combat Climate Change" that aims to gather relevant information from Member States and stakeholders (and all interested parties) related to climate change.

Standards are mentioned in a few questions (c.f., Questions 7, 8).  A few questions also asked for any new technologies to improve the energy efficient use of radio spectrum (c.f., Questions 11, 12, 13).

For details, please visit

The call for comment closes on 12 April 2023.   If you would like IEEE 802 LMSC to submit a response to this consultation. please bring a submission to IEEE 802.18 to review and consider approval by 3pm ET, Thursday, 30 March 2023.

This consultation is also added to the document summarizing the status of ongoing consultations.  See:


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