I would like to ask all of you that are in Orlando, or are dialing in with WebEx for the interim meeting this week to consider your network access carefully.
The local network has only 150Mbps this week. It has been enough in the past, but we seem to be having issues this week with demand. (you may notice some sluggishness).
I would ask that Meeting Conveners (the ones connecting to webex and the AV system) ensure that you follow the requested steps when you start a meeting.
central laptop/computer per meeting connects at head table.
queue/speak only at a microphone when called on.
speakers request to speak via chat window and only speak when called on.
share the presentation via conferencing tool or have chair (central laptop)
present for them.
attendees when logged into WebEx SHALL NOT
connect Audio.
6.When Starting a meeting the host
should do the following:
1.Select “Meeting” -> “Meeting Options”
-> [Disable] “Allow Participant to turn on Video”
2.Select “Participant” -> [Enable] “Mute
on Entry”.
7.For those Remote Attendees
connecting to Webex, Configure Webex Audio to use “Music Mode”.
8.Treat All Microphones as hot and
live – Conversations in a room may be heard online.