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[STDS-802-11] Canada's consultation: Technical requirements of SRDs in selected THz bands

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Dear 802.18 and 802.15 members,
cc 802.11 and 802.19 members,

On 25 January 2024, Canada Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC) began an consultation asking for public opinions on the technical requirements related to the operation of licence-exempt radio apparatus (including both the short range devices and fixed point-to-point equipment) in the frequency bands 116 GHz -123 GHz, 174.8 GHz -182 GHz, 185 GHz -190 GHz, and 244-246 GHz.

For details, please visit:

The comment submission deadline is Friday, 5 April 2024.  If you would like IEEE 802 LMSC to submit a comment, please bring a contribution to IEEE 802.18 for review and approval no later than 3pm ET, Thursday, 21 March 2024.

Thanks and Regards,

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