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[STDS-802-11] 802.11 Automotive TIG - officer elections and call for presentations at initial meeting - September 2024

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
  As many of you know, the IEEE 802.11 WG approved creation of a new Topic Interest Group (TIG) during the July meeting, which will be called the Automotive TIG.  Some background information can be found here (there are other related WNG documents as well): 
  I was honored to be appointed as the chair of this TIG, and we will have our first meeting during the September 2024 Interim in Waikoloa, September 9-13.  The draft agenda, which I will post as we get closer to the meeting, will have some organizational matters (election/confirmation of vice-chair(s), editor, and secretary) and our first group of presentations.
  This email is a call for nominations for vice-chair(s), editor, and recording secretary of the Automotive TIG.  Nominations will be open until the election/confirmation happens at the initial meeting of the TIG, currently scheduled during PM1 on Monday, September 9.  If you want to nominate yourself or someone else, please let me know.
  The scope of the TIG, as outlined in the straw poll conducted in WNG (document 1290/r1) is:
  You are invited to bring submissions to the TIG related to the following areas:
Please let me know if you would like to make a presentation at the September meeting, and I will add you to the meeting agenda; the deadline is September 6 (5PM EDT).  Also let me know if you have questions.

Best regards,

Jim Lansford
FaraFir, SRL
+1 719 286 9277
+40 753 631 626 

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