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[STDS-802-11] WG ballot participation

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---
Hello All,

There seems to be some confusion, at least for some, on what the requirement to participate in ballots means in terms of maintain your voting rights.

The requirement is for participation in working group (WG) ballots, also referred to as letter ballots. There is no requirement to participate in SA ballots.

Currently, we have one open WG ballot. That is the ballot for P802.11bi/D1.0, instructions here:
Notes. This is a 30-day Technical letter ballot, and the ballot group (i.e., those that may vote) for this ballot is all IEEE 802.11 voters as of the start of this letter ballot series.
If you are an 802.11 voter, you should participate in this ballot; it is your duty as an 802.11 member to do so.

We, currently, also have one SA ballot open. That is the ballot for P802.11bk/D4.0.

SA balloting occurs outside of the 802.11 WG, although the comments are resolved by TGbk, which is the designated comment resolution group. To vote and submit comments you need to have joined the P802.11bk balloting pool. The ballot pool was formed over a 30-day period in early 2024. You would have received an invitation to join the balloting pool if you had expressed an interest in 802.11 in the MyProject app at that time. 

There is no requirement on you as an 802.11 voter to participate in the SA ballots.

I hope that helps.

You can find the rules for maintaining your voting rights in our operations manual:
See section 7.

We also have an overview on our website:
The section titled "The standards development process" will walk you through the draft development lifecycle, including the WG balloting and SA balloting steps.

Robert Stacey
IEEE 802.11 WG Chair,
Mobile phone: +1-503-724-0893

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