Dear members and staff,
Please feel free to forward the following announcement, about a (pilot) meet-and-greet, with your Standards Committee participants, especially for those who live in Tokyo.
Thanks and Regards,
*Call for Participation*
IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities Board Seminar:
Standards Development Opportunities & Leadership Experiences
2025 Feb 20th, Tokyo and Online it wasn't for industry standards, every engineer would be struggling significantly more to develop and implement new technology. Many of us who have worked in computing have had to reference one standard or another, and as the industry moves quicker every year, the need to develop new standards in computer science and engineering more become even more important. But how do these standards get created? Who comes up with these? What are the hot topics in, for example, AI and Wi-Fi for standards?
Join us for a special presentation with a few IEEE Computer Society's Standards Activities Board experienced standards experts to get all questions answered! Furthermore, the IEEE CS 2025 President will introduce its strategic areas and the SWEBOK Guide, which has been adopted as an ISO/IEC standard.
Date: 6:00pm-7:30pm Japan Time (UTC +9), February 20th THU
Venue: Online and Waseda University, Green Computing Systems Research and Development Center (Building No.40), 1st Floor
Registration: Register HERE for your in-person/remote(*) participation.*You will receive a Zoom Link later.
Registration fee: Free
Sponsors: IEEE Japan Office, IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Chapter, Waseda University Global Software Engineering Laboratory
Organizer: IEEE Computer Society
6:00pm-6:05pm: Opening and Introduction of IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Chapter
Mahito Sugiyama (IEEE Computer Society Tokyo/Japan Chapter)
6:05pm-6:20pm: IEEE Computer Society's Strategic Activities and Products including SWEBOK Guide
Hironori Washizaki (IEEE Computer Society President, Waseda University)
6:20pm-6:35pm: Introduction of IEEE Computer Society Standards Activities
Edward Au (IEEE Computer Society Vice President for Standards Activities)
6:35pm-6:50pm: Introduction of how to get involved in IEEE Standards Association and its standards development process
Lei Wang (IEEE Standards Association Standards Board Chair)
6:50pm-7:30pm: Introduction of IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) and how involvement in standards development shapes career
Dorothy Stanley (IEEE 802.11 Working Group Chair, IEEE Standards Association Board of Governors)