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[STDS-802-11] PQC Study Group Initial Teleconference

--- This message came from the IEEE 802.11 Working Group Reflector ---

Hello All,


As Robert announced we will be starting a new Post Quantum Cryptography Study Group.  The goal is to create a PAR and CSD for Post Quantum Cryptography in 802.11.  I would like to conduct four PQC SG teleconferences before the May Interim session in Warsaw with our first meeting on Thursday March 27th noon ET.  Teleconference  information will be posted as soon as possible.  


A number of PQC contributions were presented during the March Plenary session and we will use these to start the PAR and CSD discussions.


Post Quantum 802.11


Post Quantum OWE


Post Quantum Crypto Project


Draft PAR


Draft CSD



Thanks and look forward to working with the group.




Stephen Orr

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