Friday, July 17, 1998 Dear WPAN'ers, Subject: Post LaJolla anonymous ftp readme The Study Group meetings during last weeks IEEE 802 LMSC Plenary in LaJolla, CA from July 6-10, 1998 went well. The Study Group, after numerous discussions, decided to request a motion from our Sponsor to extend our charter from 7/98 to 11/98; Plenary to Plenary. The Motion passed the IEEE 802.11 Working Group (our Sponsor) as well as the IEEE 802 ExCom. 1) Monday the WPAN SG made a motion to the 802.11 WG Plenary and it was not approved due to lack of detail 2) Tuesday and Wednesday the WPAN SG received expert advice from Liaisons Attendees as well as MAC Layer experts from .11 on how to better understand alternative 2.4GHz solutions and the .11 MAC as an extension 3) Thursday the WPAN SG decided to extend the Study and additional objectives were identified. 4) The extension motion was approved in the WG. 5) Study Group timeframe will be extended from 7/98 to 11/98 a) Aug ?-?, 1998 Interim Meeting WPAN SG (I. Gifford, M/A-COM) b) Sep 14-18, 1998 Westford, MA USA Interim Meeting 802.11 WG c) Oct 1998 Interim Meeting WPAN SG (?) d) Nov 8-13, 1998 Albuquerque, NM USA Plenary Meeting 802 6) Original Study Group Objectives a) Review WPAN/WLAN Requirements b) Determine Need for Standard c) If warranted, draft a PAR and 5 Criteria for submittal to 802/802.11 d) Seek appropriate Sponsorship within 802 7) Additional Study Group Objectives a) Determine key WPAN MAC/PHY requirements i) Call for WPAN Application & Usage Scenarios submissions to identify the relevant MAC/PHY parameters for implementation of WPANs b) Create WPAN Comparison Matrix for use with the following MAC/PHY candidates: i) SG Proposals MAC/PHY (Intermec, GTE, Motorola, AMP) ii) SG Liaisons (1) Bluetooth Special Interest Group MAC/PHY (2) HomeRF Working Group MAC/PHY (3) 802.11 MAC/PHY c) Create WPAN Compare & Contrast of 802.11 Annex - PICS Proforma list and repeat, when available, for remaining candidates (see above) d) Examine WPAN 2.4 GHz coexistence with 802.11 devices 8) MOTION: Move to extend the timeframe of the Wireless PAN Study Group under 802.11 with the charter of drafting a WPAN PAR for presentation at the next Plenary of 802. a) Chair: Dick Braley b) Vice Chair: Bob Heile c) Secretary/Tech Editor: Ian Gifford 9) Motion Results: a) 802.11 Motion: Gifford/O'Hara 42-5-7 Passed b) ExCom Motion: Passed This anonymous ftp site is an unofficial archive for the IEEE 802.11 WPAN SG. The Bluetooth Adopter Pitch was post in original format i.w., w/o the IEEE template (saving 7MB of storage) the IEEE 802.11 file reference is -98/ 253. The WPAN SG Chairman has had contact with Simon Ellis and Bluetooth and the question of collocating the tentatively discussed August 1998 Meeting of the Study Group is off as their meeting venue is set for September 1998 in Florida. More to follow on the reflector. Any questions or problems please call +1 978-442-4650 Regards, Ian Gifford, M/A-COM, Inc. o \/__________________________________________________________ /\ o