July 20, 1999 9pm EDT We are updating this sub directory, yet again. Jul99r1.zip Was updated from r0 The Jul99r1.zip archive has been provided for your downloading convenience. Note: The difference from Jul99.zip to Jul99r1.zip is: -99/000r3 Was updated -99/013r1 Was added -99/043r2 Was added -99/048r1 Was updated from r0 -99/051r0 Was added Have a good day. -Ian = July 20, 1999 10am EDT We are updating this sub directory, again. -99/000r3 Was updated 99000r3P802-15_Document-Index-for-1999.xls -99/051r0 Was added 99051r0P802-15_Presentation-to-MobileIP-WG-IETF45 -Ian = July 20, 1999 We are updating this sub directory. -99/043r2 Was added -Ian = July 19, 1999 We are updating this sub directory. -99/013r1 Was added -99/048r1 Was updated from r0 The zip file [Jul99.zip] is not yet updated as we are still waiting on the minutes from Montreal -99/43r0. When these are posted a new zip archive will be posted. Until that time please note the zip contains all files except for the ones identified above. ETA 23Jul99. Have a good day. -Ian = July 16, 1999 IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Hi WPAN'ers, Subject: July 1999 Submission's The Jul99.zip archive has been provided for your downloading convenience. The bulk of the documents constitute the submission's to the IEEE P802.15 WG for WPANs Plenary during the July 1999 IEEE 802 Session in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Here is a listing of the files contained in this zip archive. Jul99.zip 99001r6P802-15_Operating-Rules.doc 99024r1P802-15_Second-WPAN-Call-For-Proposals.doc 99025r3P802-15_Montreal-meeting-agenda.xls 99026r2P802-15_July-802-15-Monday-ExCom-Report.ppt 99027r1P802-15_WPAN-Background.ppt 99028r0P802-15_Bluetooth-Letter-Of-Intent.doc 99029r0P802-15_Liaison-Report-2.ppt 99030r0P802-15_CFP-Summary.doc 99031r4P802-15_Marketing-SG-Proposal.ppt 99032r0P802-15_Bluetooth-Letter-Of-Intent-Review.doc 99033r2P802-15_Integration-of-Bluetooth-into-LAN-Environments.ppt 99034r0P802-15_UWB-Time-Domain.ppt 99035r0P802-15_July-meeting-intro-and-basic-policies.ppt 99036r0P802-15_WG-Charter-Mission-Gameplan-Timeline.ppt 99037r1P802-15_NPRM-summary.ppt 99038r0P802-15_Operating-Rules-Discussion.ppt 99039r0P802-15_Internal-Liaison-802_1-802_2.ppt 99040r0P802-15_Joint-Meeting-with-802_11-Tom.ppt 99041r4P802-15_Operating-Rules-Presentation.ppt 99042r1P802-15_Review-Draft-Outline-of-Standard.ppt 99044r0P802-15_July-802-Plenary-Presentation.ppt 99045r1P802-15_Draft-Motions-for-Thurs-Meeting.ppt 99046r0P802-15_Proposal-for-HF-Data-Carrier-Processor-PAN.ppt 99047r0P802-15_Coexistence_Study_Group.ppt 99048r0P802-15_Error-probabiltiy-for-binary-FSK.ppt 99049r1P802-15_July-802-15-Thurs-Excom-Report.ppt 99050r0P802-15_Report-to-802-Friday-Plenary.ppt Jul99.zip/Zyren.zip 916218W-FCC-Letter-on-WBFH-REVISED.doc 91638W-NPRM-99-149-Summary.ppt 91648W-FCC-Letter-Prop-3.doc 91648W-NPRM98-42-Study-Group-Update.ppt FCC-motions-7jul99.doc Jul99.zip/Misc.zip 614218W-Regulatory-Committee-Rules.doc Note: Document -99/43 Montreal Minutes will be added in the near future. Again, the IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) develops Personal Area Network standards for short distance wireless networks. Regards, -Ian -- Ian Gifford giffordi@amp.com