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News Release

Bluetooth™ Specification Serves as Foundation for IEEE 802.15 WPAN Work

IEEE Contact: Karen McCabe, Marketing Manager; +1 732 562 3824

For Release: Immediate

(Piscataway NJ 25 January) The first project of the IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) is derived from the Bluetooth™ Special Interest Group Version 1.0 Specification, Foundation Core and Foundation Profiles, that addresses wireless networking of protocols and mobile computing devices (e.g. organizers, laptops, and cell phones). This is in keeping with the working group's objective to work closely with special interest groups and industry consortia, as well as with industry to solicit input on market requirements and technical solutions.

One of the major goals for IEEE 802.15, as well as for the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG), is global use of wireless personal area network (WPANs) technology. While the IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN technologies are specifically designed for devices in and around the office or home, devices using the IEEE 802.15 WPAN and Bluetooth technology will provide country-to-country usage for travelers. They will be able to be used in cars, airplanes and boats.

The Bluetooth specification allows portable and mobile computing devices, such as organizers, laptops and cell phones, to communicate with one another and interoperate, and is focused on security and global spectrum/power requirements. The standards created by the 802.15 working group will provide the foundation for a broad-range of interoperable consumer devices by establishing universally-adopted standards for wireless digital communications. The goal of the 802.15 group is to create a consensus standard that has broad market applicability and deals effectively with the issues of coexistence with other wireless networking solutions. As mobile wireless technology increases, IEEE 802.15 standards are anticipated to be a major growth area for IEEE Local and Metropolitan Area Network standards (IEEE 802 standards), and the IEEE-SA.

The IEEE P802.15 Working Group is part of the 802 Local and Metropolitan Area Network Standards Committee of the IEEE Computer Society. The IEEE is the world's largest technical professional society. The members and volunteers of the IEEE are the technical and scientific professionals making the revolutionary engineering advances that are reshaping our world today. This includes the development of leading-edge electro- and information technology standards used throughout industry.

For information on P802.15 or to participate, contact Bob Heile (+1 617-873-4835 Voice,, or Ian Gifford (+1 978-442-4650 Voice,; or view the Web page at Information about Bluetooth is found at

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(Modified: 26-Jan-2000)
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