IEEE 802.11 and 802.15 Joint Interim Meeting May 8-12, 2000 Seattle, Washington Early-Registration Form The Madison Hotel has agreed to accept early-registration forms from attendees in order to expedite our IEEE meeting registration process on Monday May 8th. If you are interested in early-registration for this meeting, please provide a complete name, address, phone number, e-mail address and credit card number on this form below and e-mail it back to (your May IEEE meeting host) prior to 3 PM Pacific Standard Time Friday April 21, 2000. The reason for the Friday April 21, 2000 deadline date is that the Madison Hotel would like some time prior to our meeting date to verify our credit card numbers/accounts and I am on vacation the week of April 24-28. It looks as though we may have over 100 attendees at this meeting so early-registration via e-mail will help to speed our meeting registration and badgeing process up on Monday May 8th at the Madison Hotel. The registration fee for this meeting will be: $ 325.00 (U.S.) Please provide your: Name: Company: Address: City/State: Zip/Country Code: Business/Day Phone: E-Mail address: Credit Card Type: (I.e. VISA, MasterCard, American Express) Credit Card Number: Credit Card Expiration Date: I am trying to get an idea of how many participants each Working Group will have at this meeting in order to properly assign Meeting Room space. To help me with this effort, please indicate your Primary Working Group affiliation/interests below with an X. Primary WG# Working Group Name __ IEEE 802.11 WLAN-Wireless LAN MAC/PHY __ IEEE 802.15 WPAN-Wireless Personal Area Network MAC/PHY __ IEEE 802.16 BBWA-Broadband Wireless Access LAN/MAN MAC/PHY Sincerely, Mike McInnis The Boeing Company Phone: 425-865-2840