6Jul00 Oops...I feel sheepish...we added a missing file to ftp archive; it missed the Zip archive: 00109r0P802-15_HRSG-Requirements-for-Spontaneous-Hidden-Computing.doc -Ian 3Jul00 We added missing files to ftp archive; they missed the Zip archive: 00029r3P802-15_CFA-Response-High-Rate-WPAN-for-Video-r3.ppt 00061r5P802-15_TG2-University-Contact-Database.xls Note: Was asked to post: 00109r0P802-15_HRSG-Requirements-for-Spontaneous-Hidden-Computing.doc but it was already there: 00109r0P802-15_HRSG-Requirements-for-Spontaneous-Computing-Presentation.ppt and May minutes in July: 00113r1P802-15_WG-minutes-from-Seattle.doc Note: I added May WG minutes to May00 and Jul00 sd's. ...go figure: -Ian 2Jun00 We added to the Random Files Submitted or Presented: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/2000/May00/Misc/ 802-15-presentation-ieee6-8.ppt 28May00 We added a missing file to ftp archive; it missed the Zip archive: 00055r1aP802-15_TG1-Draft-SIGnal-Issue-No-6.doc 00157r0P802-15_WG-Letter-Ballot-3.doc 00158r0P802-15_WG-Letter-Ballot-3-Comments.xls 18May00, 8:00am We added a late file to ftp archive; it missed the Zip archive: 00148r0P802-15_MC_Closing-Report.ppt 18May00 IEEE 802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Hi WPAN'ers, Subject: May00 Submission's The May00.zip archive has been provided for your downloading convenience. The bulk of the documents constitute the submission's to the IEEE 802.15 WG for WPANs Interim Meeting during the May 2000 Session in Seattle, WA USA. Here is a listing of the files contained in the May00 archive. http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/802/15/pub/2000/May00/ 00000r2aP802-15_Document-Index-for-2000.xls