Unapproved minutes are for information only and are subject to change.

IEEE New Opportunities in Standards Committee (NosCom) Unapproved Minutes Cleveland Renaissance Hotel, Cleveland Ohio 24 June 1997 1:30 P.M.- 5:30 P.M. U N A P P R O V E D Minutes IEEE New Opportunities in Standards Committee (NosCom) Cleveland Renaissance Hotel, Cleveland Ohio 24 June 1997 1:30 P.M.- 5:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT Mike Cushing Jim Isaak Bob Kennelly (acting Chair) Barry Needham Mary Lou Padgett Jerry Peterson John Pope MEMBERS ABSENT Clyde Camp Ron Petersen Howard Wolfman STAFF Linda Gargiulo Judy Gorman Denise Pribula Andy Salem GUESTS Dick Braley John L. Hill Dick Holleman Lowell Johnson Tom Wettach 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 1:30PM. Bob Kennelly chaired the meeting in the absence of the chair, Clyde Camp. 2. Approval of the Agenda The agenda was approved as amended: -change item 7.1 to 7.2 -add item 7.2, Presentation on Wearable Computers - Dick Braley -add item 7.3, Region 8/ETSI - Jerry Petersen -add as item 7.4, NTDC Liaison Report - Mary Lou Padgett 3. Review of Action Items from the March 1997 Meeting (Attachment 1) AI1: completed per Bob Kennelly AI2: A draft report from John Pope was received and will be discussed again at the September meeting, after the report is circulated for review to the other members of the ad hoc committee. NosCom members should submit their comments to any member of the ad hoc committee (Bob Kennelly, John Pope, Mary Lou Padgett, and Howard Wolfman) by 1 August. (ACTION: NosCom members to submit comments, ad hoc members to finalize report) AI3: completed AI4: open - Jerry Peterson will notify COMSOC. (ACTION: Jerry Peterson) AI5: completed AI6: completed AI7: completed 4. Approval of the Minutes of the 18 March 1997 Meeting The minutes were approved as submitted. 5. ProCom Liaison Report - Bob Kennelly Bob Kennelly gave a report on items discussed at the ProCom meeting which included company membership, the balloting process and Std 100 balloting, which will be revised and included in the revision of the Operations Manual. 6. Old Business 6.1 Fuel Cell Technology Standards (Attachment 2) Joe Koepfinger represented the IEEE at the Fuel Cell Summit on Standards in April in Washington, DC. His written report was discussed. In his report, Joe recommended that SCC23, Dispersed Power Generation, be the "home" for this work. John Pope, SCC coordinator, will talk to Joe and forward Joe's recommendation to the SCC23 chair for consideration and response. John will provide a report at the September meeting. (ACTION: John Pope) 6.2 The Year 2000 & IEEE Standards Lowell Johnson provided an oral report. The first meeting of the Internet Practices Study Group of the IEEE Computer Society was held in April. Two standards are being developed, one dealing with test cases and the other with terms and definitions The next meeting will be held on 15-17 July at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua, NH. (ACTION: Lowell Johnson to bring PARs to the a future NesCom meeting.) The NosCom secretary will list the July meeting on the NosCom home page and the meetings calendar on the Standards Home Page. (ACTION: Peggy Blash) 6.3 Standards for the Internet & IEEE - Jim Isaak (Attachment 3) Jim Isaak provided an oral report. These areas are being considered for standardization: 1) methodology for accomplishing peer review using PICS Proforma, 2) "well-engineered" Web pages, 3) external references, 4) ethics and Web pages, and 5) PAS (Publically Available Specifications) on the Web. Jim will report at the September meeting. (ACTION: Jim Isaak) 7. New Business 7.1 Presentation on Wearable Computers Dick Braley, Senior Staff Advisor, Wireless Systems Development of Federal Express gave a presentation regarding "wearable computers." The purpose of his presentation was to encourage development of standards for "wearables, and solicit IEEE support to develop the standards." Mr. Braley explained the definition of "wearables" as computing and networking devices (software and peripherals), which, when worn or carried, will enhance individuals with their ability to perform productive work in an unobstrusive way. One example would be a lapel pin that also is a scanner, and, in the future, a video camera in eyeglasses which would recognize customers. The market for wearable computers are service organizations, medical applications, maintenance and repair, operations coordination, bar code reading and printing, DARPA/US military, manfacturing, car rental agencies, inventory, and training. A partial list of current manufacturers of wearables includes FedEx, Symbol Technologies, Norand, ViA, Inc., Videx, Rockwell, Telxon, and Xetron. Potential participants in standards development activities are FexEx, Symbol, Norand, ViA, Inc., CMU, Videx, Rockwell, M/A-COM, Xetron, Interval, DARPA, BBN, MIT, Nike, and GTE. Potential areas for standardization include Personal Area Networks, "wearable computing" and interfaces, "wearables" system architectures, and nomadicity. The Computer Society is co-sponsoring the standards work in this area of technology. FedEx will participate in the July meeting of the Ad Hoc Committee on Wearables, being held in conjunction with the Internet Practices Study Group of the IEEE Computer Society at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza in Nashua, NH. Jim Isaak will serve as the NosCom mentor for this activity and will provide a report for the September meeting. (ACTION: Jim Isaak) 7.2 Presentation on Wearable Cloth Circuit Boards - Mary Lou Padgett Mary Lou Padgett gave a related presentation on wearable cloth circuit boards. Applications could include use in the military (combat casualty care), the apparel industry, and domestic use. A specific example is the use of an instrument combat uniform for improved triage ("wearabale circuit board"), with the concept of a wearable elastic circuit garment with embedded sensors (sensate liner technology). This presentation was also given at the Computer Society Standards Activities Board meeting on 23 June. Mary Lou will create a Web page. 7.3 Region 8/ETSI - Jerry Peterson Jerry pointed out that this subject is item 8.4 on the June Standards Board agenda. Region 8 is considering applying to ETSI as a liaison and the IEEE Standards Board should have a complete understanding of the obligations associated with Associated Membership in ETSI before it makes a decision. 7.4 NTDC Liaison Report - Mary Lou Padgett Mary Lou Padgett provided a report as liaison to NTDC. Topics covered were electronic nose, sensate liner, and the year 2000. Actions that will be taken as a result of that meeting will be the development of websites, and workshops on electronic nose and sensate liner. 8. Date of Next Meeting The next meeting will be held on 14 September 1997. It appears there will be a quorum. 9. Adjournment Acting Chair Kennelly adjourned the meeting at 3:40PM.

Unapproved minutes are for information only and are subject to change.

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