IEEE 802.15 Working Group

Letter Ballot #207
IEEE 802.15 WSN™ Task Group 4ab

Amendment to IEEE Std 802.15.4 - Enhanced Ultra Wideband (UWB) Physical Layers (PHYs) and Associated Medium Access and Control (MAC) Sublayer Enhancements

IEEE 802.15 Letter Ballot #207 is a vote to submit the contents of
IEEE P802.15.4ab amendment draft document to Sponsor Ballot.



OPENING OF BALLOT: Tuesday, June 11, 2024
CLOSING OF BALLOT: Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 18:00 ET

(ET is the time in New York City, New York, USA)


·           Letter Ballot Voters Pool #206 and #207

·         This is a mandatory letter ballot:

·         All IEEE 802.15 Voting members have an obligation to vote. Not returning two valid letter ballots in a sequence of three letter ballots will automatically terminate voting rights.  

·         "No" votes require the submission of detailed comments as defined in the IEEE rules for Sponsor Ballots to be counted as valid.  Abstentions are only counted as valid if they are based on "lack of expertise".



Please read and follow these step-by-step instructions to complete and submit your vote on IEEE P802.15 Letter Ballot 207. 

  1. Download and read a copy of the IEEE P802.15.4ab Draft D01 and supporting documents.


Supporting Documents

      2.            Understand your Voting Options



___ DO NOT APPROVE (At least 1 comment must be marked as Yes in the "Must Be Satisfied" column.)

___ ABSTAIN, Reason: ________________________________________________

    3.        Voting Method

If you have comments to submit, download P802-15-4ab-Comment-Entry-Form and enter your comments. Please be sure to fill in ALL columns.

  IV.        Submit Your Vote by Email 

                   A.        You MUST submit the following information in the body of your email or your ballot will be considered invalid.

1.    AFFILIATION; you MUST declare your affiliation, in the body of the email and include the statement: "I am affiliated with [name of affiliation]" or the statement "I am not affiliated with any organization"

2.    VOTE; YES, NO or ABSTAIN due to lack of expertise, (e.g., "I vote YES.")

3.    COMMENTS; If you vote NO, at least 1 comment must be marked as Yes in the "Must Be Satisfied" column

a.    Attach your completed  P802-15-4ab-Comment-Entry-Form to your email ballot.

B.   Email your vote. Resend if not acknowledged within 2 business days. You will not get an acknowledgement, nor will your vote be counted, if you did not include an affiliation statement and/or did not correctly complete the subject field. Please double check what you sent to ensure both were done according to instructions or your vote will continue to be ignored.




        Subject: LB207-familyName-givenName-yourVote 
               Do not leave any spaces, use a "-"
               example: LB207-POWELL-CLINT-YES

Note: Please click here to generate your ballot response email.

(Just append your FamilyName-GivenName-Vote to the Subject line, ensure that you include your affiliation and repeat your vote in the body of the email).

   V.         If you have any questions on how to submit your ballot, please contact Phil Beecher at:


Have you joined the LAN-MAN 802.15 Sponsor Balloting Pool? If not, you should consider joining. It is easy to become an IEEE-SA Member and it provides the IEEE 802.15 Working Group Voter the ability to continue to ballot on the technical validity of our proposed standard(s) - post Working Group or rather in Sponsor Ballot. The IEEE-SA Member dues are nominal. If you are interested point your Browser at the Ballot Pool Form in HTML which you need to fill out and submit to become a member of the 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Balloting Pool.

Note: You can enter the LAN-MAN 802.15 Balloting Pool without an IEEE-SA Member Number but if you do not join the IEEE-SA then you will be dropped from the LAN-MAN 802.15 Balloting Group when it is formed.  Please contact our Sponsor to be added:

If you would like to contact the IEEE 802.15 Webmaster, email to

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