Monday, September 22, 2008
CLOSING OF BALLOT: Thursday, October 2, 2008,
at 2300 AoE*
on Earth
Please read and follow these step by step instructions to complete and submit your vote on IEEE P802.15 Letter Ballot 46.
Letter Ballot 46 is a mandatory 10 day ballot to seek EC approval to authorize forwarding the content of the WNAN PAR (15-08-0705-03) and 5C (15-08-0706-00) in the proper form to NesCom. It starts on September 22, 2008 and will close on October 2, 2008 at 2300 AoE. You may vote yes, no or abstain. Comments are invited but not required. This ballot will not be recirculated. Assuming the ballot passes, any comments received will be addressed and responded to like any comment received during the normal PAR comment process at a Plenary Session in Dallas.
Remember this is really only a question of whether the Working Group should seek permission to undertake work addressing this application space and whether the draft PAR and 5C are "good enough" to start that process. If you agree with that you should vote yes. If you think the PAR or 5C could be improved or needs to modified in some way but is otherwise "good enough", please consider voting yes and submitting a comment with your suggested improvements/changes for consideration in Dallas during the PAR comment period. The Working Group can still decide to postpone or withdraw the PAR from consideration at its mid week plenary if it choose to do so.
Directions for submitting your ballot must be followed exactly for your
ballot to be counted. These are below.
Understand your Voting Options
___ YES
___ NO
___ ABSTAIN due to lack of expertise
Submit Your Vote by Email
You MUST submit the following information in the body of your email or your ballot will be considered invalid.
Your affiliation, (e.g., "I am affiliated with ACME Corporation.")
Your vote; YES, NO or ABSTAIN due to lack of expertise, (e.g., "I vote YES.")
Email your vote. Resend if not acknowledged within 2 business days.
Subject: LB46-familyName-givenName-yourVote
(example: LB46-HEILE-ROBERT-YES )
If you have any questions on how to submit your ballot, please contact Rick Alfvin at:
Have you joined the LAN-MAN 802.15 Sponsor Balloting Pool? If not, you should consider joining. It is easy to become an IEEE-SA Member and it provides the IEEE 802.15 Working Group Voter the ability to continue to ballot on the technical validity of our proposed standard(s) - post Working Group or rather in Sponsor Ballot. The IEEE-SA Member dues are nominal. If you are interested point your Browser at the Ballot Pool Form in HTML which you need to fill out and submit to become a member of the 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks Balloting Pool.
Note: You can enter the LAN-MAN 802.15 Balloting Pool without an IEEE-SA Member Number but if you do not join the IEEE-SA then you will be dropped from the LAN-MAN 802.15 Balloting Group when it is formed. Please contact our Sponsor to be added:
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