IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)

The IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) develops Personal Area Network standards for short distance wireless networks. We decided to provide some group photographs for the folks back home.


Tel-Aviv, Israel 9Jan00 looking out the window at the Mediterranean Sea from the David Inter-Continental Hotel

Tel-Aviv, Israel 9Jan00 having dinner at Orgada Restaurant

Tel-Aviv, Israel 10Jan00 the High Rate Study Group - Studying

Tel-Aviv, Israel 10Jan00 the High Rate Study Group - Tweety Bird joins the study

Tel-Aviv, Israel 10Jan00 the Task Group 1 Brain Trust - Having a good laugh

Tel-Aviv, Israel 10Jan00 the Task Group 1 Relief Brain Trust - You can tell who is working...and has the brain(s)

Tel-Aviv, Israel 10Jan00 the Task Group 1 Starting Team

Tel-Aviv, Israel 10Jan00 the Task Group 1 Chair trying to find document - WG Chair trying to find document number

Tel-Aviv, Israel 11Jan00 the High Rate Study Group

Tel-Aviv, Israel 11Jan00 the chair

Tel-Aviv, Israel 11Jan00 the Task Group 1

Tel-Aviv, Israel 11Jan00 the Task Group 1

Tel-Aviv, Israel 11Jan00 the Task Group 1 Tutorial to IEEE P802.11 & 802.15

Last Update: January 11, 2000

This page is maintained by Rick Alfvin. Comments are welcome.