The following page provides the IEEE-SA Announcement, and D17* in compressed (PDF zipped) format, the revised clauses or subclauses in change bar, a complete list of all changes summarized, copies of the outstanding negative comments and the Sponsor Ballot Review Committee's responses to them with the reasons for rejecting the proposed changes, and two (2) ways to submit comments, via the IEEE 802.15 Balloting Tool, with your vote in this IEEE 802.15.3 second recirculation Sponsor Ballot.
We offer two (2) Balloting Tools to submit comments. Item #7 is the comment generation (executable) tool is very useful for anyone intending to submit numerous comments. Item #8 is the comment generation (ASCII) form which is a manual method ideally suited for voters who intend to submit very few comments. Both of these tools enhance our ability to easily consolidate your comments for resolution but choose only one.
*Note 1: If you need a password please contact the Chair, P802.15.3: John Barr
Note 2: Comment only against the portions of the draft that
have been changed since D16. These are indicated by the change bar version!
Please also familiarize yourself with the unresolved technical comments from D15
and D16
which are part of this recirculation package.
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like to contact the IEEE 802.15 Webmaster, email to © Copyright 2003, IEEE. Terms & Conditions. Privacy & Security |
), Rev. 0.1