IEEE 802.15 Working Group for
The Project has provided a change
bar (5130KB)
and a clean
version of the P802.15.1 Draft 1.0.1. We recommend that you review both draft
1.0.1 versions to have a clear understanding of the applied edits and the latest draft.
The change bar version (a composite document) was created in FrameMaker which compared D0.9.2 to D1.0.1 to show
what has changed in the
files side by side. It looks not only at the text in the two versions, but also at footnotes, markers, anchored frames, text insets,
variables, and cross-references. The change bar draft has 635 pages the clean draft has 1165 pages
the difference is due to
the compare utility and the composite document output but also we decided to provide only the Annex B delta pages i.e., 13 pages normally Annex
B is 579 pages, we dropped ~566 pages or 2892KB.
Editing marks are shown in color and with a change bar on the left side of the
page. The color editing marks are used to indicate delete and insert actions to
the draft. The editing marks specifies the location of the change and describes what is being changed either
by using red trikethrough (to remove old material) or
green underscore (to add new material).
we have provided a summary (70KB)
document which gives a report of differences in the files.
There were three (3) sources of edits:
- Sponsor Ballot #1 generated 95 comments and 73 were
applied as edits:
There were 95 comments received from SB1. We rejected 3 (#66, 80, and 83)
"E"ditorial comments, out of 65 received and there remain 19 as
unresolved "T"echnical comments, out of 30 received. More info:
- IEEE-SA Project Editor inputs received Tuesday, July 17, 2001:
- Figures and text cannot be in color. You will need to remove the color from the text, figures, and tables sometime prior to your final ballot. This is something that we would normally work with you on, but RevCom recently gave a "Conditional Approval" to 802.16.2 because the document contained color. To avoid this, you will have to remove the color. We were not aware that RevCom would not approve a document based on
the color until it happened with 802.16.2. (I believe I mentioned a while back that RevCom has become very strict about their submissions.)
- No page numbers are used when referencing figures, tables, subclauses, etc. References within text should just refer to the figure, table, Clause, or subclause number. (Also, text cannot be in blue.)
- Some of the figure captions are still floating away from their figures. The figure captions have to go inside the anchored frame to avoid this problem. For example: Figures 22, 30, and 80.
- There must be a text reference referring the reader to all figures and tables. Some of the text references are still missing. For example, some figures are appear before Clause numbers with no text reference. Ex. figure above Clause 12.
- P802.15.1 Annex B SDL Model edits:
- The introduction was rewritten to reflect D1.0.1
and some of the SB1 comments.
For accuracy and completeness the SDL Editor ran the SDL models using the latest Telelogic Tau SDL Suite, v4.2, and seven (7) of the pages found in IEEE P802.15.1/D0.9.2 Annex B have been modified. Here are the subclauses that were effected:
B.2.88 Change file name from "ACL_set_Tsupervision1.mif" to "acl_set_Tsupervision1.mif".
B.3.140 procedure lm_init_db page 2 of 2 (multiple changes).
B.3.162 process type lm_sco page 1 of 1 (1 change).
B.4.34 process type lmp_codec page 15 of 34 (1 change).
B.4.127 process type lmp_p2 page 74 of 106 (1 change).
B.4.128 process type lmp_p2 page 75 of 106 (1 change).
B.4.158 process type lmp_p2 page 105 of 106 (4 changes).
They contain fixes for:
- 8 warnings that were not detected using Tau v3.6, but were using Tau
v4.2 (cover 5 pages).
- Items not initialized that should have been (cover 1 page).
- A file name change (cover 1 page).
(Modified: 01-Oct-2001
), Rev. 0.1