1 | 00/029 | g | 00029r0P802-15 | HRSG High Rate WPAN for Video | ppt | DuVal | Mar | 3829KB | 00029r0P802-15_CFA-Response-High-Rate-WPAN-for-Video-r2.ppt |
2 | 00/049 | g | 00049r1P802-15 | PAN High Rate Deployment Considerations - Service Networks and World Wide Operating Frequencies | doc | Kraemer | Mar | 41KB | 00049r1P802-15_HRSG-PAN-High-Rate-Deployment-Considerations.doc |
3 | 00/050 | g | 00050r1P802-15 | Suggested Requirements for a Consumer PAN High Rate Video/MM Link | doc | Kraemer | Mar | 59KB | 00050r1P802-15_HRSG-Suggested-Requirements.doc |
4 | 00/051 | g | 00051r1P802-15 | Desirable PHY Modulation Characteristics with respect to the PAN High Rate Selection Criteria. | doc | Kraemer | Mar | 76KB | 00051r1P802-15_HRSG-Desirable-PHY-Modulation-wrt-HR.doc |
5 | 00/075 | g | 00075r1P802-15 | HRSG Responses to CFP | ppt | Alfvin | Mar | 9584KB | 00075r1P802-15_HRSG-CFA-Response-for-Digital-Imaging.ppt |
6 | 00/077 | g | 00077r1P802-15 | HRSG Case for DOQPSK High-Rate Physical Medium Modulation | Rypinski | Mar | 51KB | 00077r1P802-15_HRSG-Case-for-DOQPSK-High-Rate-Physical-Medium-Modulation.pdf | |
7 | 00/078 | g | 00078r2P802-15 | HRSG Intro to PHY and MAC Contributions | Rypinski | Mar | 86KB | 00078r2P802-15_HRSG-Intro-to-PHY-MAC-Contributions.pdf | |
8 | 00/079 | g | 00079r0P802-15 | HRSG Requirements and Recommended Functions in High Rate MAC | doc | Rypinski | Mar | 152KB | 00079r0P802-15_HRSG-Req-7-Recommended-Functions-in-High-Rate.doc |
9 | 00/086 | g | 00086r1P802-15 | HRSG Wireless Multimedia Applications | ppt | Davis | Mar | 436KB | 00086r1P802-15_HRSG-Wireless-Multimedia-Application-Motorola.ppt |
10 | 00/088 | g | 00088r0P802-15 | HRSG 802 15 BT High Rate Proposed Requirements | ppt | Leeper | Mar | 21KB | 00088r0P802-15_HRSG-802-15-BT-HR-Proposed-Requirements.ppt |
11 | 00/109 | g | 00109r0P802-15 | HRSG WPAN Requirements for Spontaneous Hidden Computing | ppt | Hermann | May | 655KB | 00109r0P802-15_HRSG-Requirements-for-Spontaneous-Computing-Presentation.ppt |
12 | 00/128 | g | 00128r0P802-15 | TG3 OFDM based solution anticipating convergence between next G of high rate WPANs and WLANs HIPERPAN | ppt | de Courville | May | 308KB | 00128r0P802-15_TG3-OFDM-HIPERPAN.ppt |
13 | 00/149 | g | 00149r0P802-15 | TG3-DIG Customer Requirements | ppt | Lynch | May | 3746KB | 00149r0P802-15_DIGITAL-IMAGING-GROUP-Customer-Requirements.ppt |
14 | 00/150 | g | 00150r0P802-15 | TG3- Wireless Home Networks | ppt | Rios | May | 311KB | 00150r0P802-15_TG3-Wireless-Home-Networks.ppt |
15 | 00/195 | g | 00195r4P802-15 | TG3 XtremeSpectrum Multimedia Data Rate WPAN Proposal | ppt | Rofheart | Jul | 795KB | 00195r4P802-15_TG3-XtremeSpectrum-Multimedia-WPAN-PHY.ppt |
16 | 00/195 | g | 00195r5P802-15 | TG3 XtremeSpectrum Multimedia Data Rate WPAN Proposal | ppt | Rofheart | Jul | 1366KB | 00195r5P802-15_TG3-XtremeSpectrum-Multimedia-WPAN-PHY.ppt |
17 | 00/195 | g | 00195r6P802-15 | TG3 XtremeSpectrum Multimedia Data Rate WPAN Proposal | ppt | Rofheart | Jul | 1090KB | 00195r6P802-15_TG3-XtremeSpectrum-Multimedia-WPAN-PHY.ppt |
18 | 00/196 | g | 00196r2P802-15 | TG3 A COFDM Scheme for IEEE's High Rate WPAN | Skellern | Jul | 150KB | 00196r2P802-15_TG3-cofdm-WPAN-proposal.pdf | |
19(2) | 00/196 | g | 00196r3P802-15 | TG3 HIPERPAN: a COFDM Scheme for IEEE's High Rate WPAN | de Courville/Skellern | Jul | 646KB | 00196r3P802-15_TG3-cofdm-WPAN-proposal.pdf | |
20 | 00/197 | g | 00197r0P802-15 | TG3 L3CP PHY, a High Rate WPAN Physical Layer Proposal | ppt | Rios | Jul | 119KB | 00197r0P802-15_TG3_LC3-Proposal-000707.ppt |
21 | 00/197 | g | 00197r1P802-15 | TG3 L3CP PHY, a High Rate WPAN Physical Layer Proposal | ppt | Rios | Jul | 190KB | 00197r1P802-15_TG3-LCW-HRWPAN-Proposal.ppt |
22 | 00/197 | g | 00197r2P802-15 | TG3 L3CP PHY, a High Rate WPAN Physical Layer Proposal | ppt | Rios | Jul | 226KB | 00197r2P802-15_TG3-LCW-HRWPAN-Proposal.ppt |
23(4) | 00/198 | g | 00198r2P802-15 | TG3 L3CP PHY, a High Rate WPAN Physical Layer Proposal | doc | Rios | Jul | 152KB | 00198r2P802-15_TG3-LCW-HRWPAN-PHY-MAC-Proposal-Backup.doc |
24 | 00/199 | g | 00199r1P802-15 | TG3 Texas Instruments Physical Layer Presentation | ppt | Dabak | Jul | 469KB | 00199r1P802-15_TG3-TI-PHY-Presentation.ppt |
25 | 00/200 | g | 00200r1P802-15 | TG3 Texas Instruments Physical Layer Submission | doc | Dabak | Jul | 800KB | 00200r1P802-15_TG3-TI-PHY-Submission.doc |
26(3) | 00/200 | g | 00200r3P802-15 | TG3 Texas Instruments Physical Layer Submission | doc | Dabak | Jul | 912KB | 00200r3P802-15_TG3-TI-PHY-Submission.doc |
27(3) | 00/200 | g | 00200r4P802-15 | TG3 Texas Instruments Physical Layer Submission | doc | Dabak | Jul | 929KB | 00200r4P802-15_TG3-TI-PHY-Submission.doc |
28 | 00/201 | g | 00201r0P802-15 | TG3 An OFDM Solution Providing Compatibility Between the Next Generation of High Rate Wireless PANs and Wireless LANs | doc | Dydyk | Jul | 63KB | 00201r0P802-15_TG3-hpan-ieee-proposal.doc |
29 | 00/205 | g | 00205r0P802-15 | TG3 MAC Proposal for High Rate WPAN | ppt | Kinney | Jul | 706KB | 00205r0P802-15_TG3-MAC-Proposal-for-High-Rate-WPAN.ppt |
30 | 00/205 | g | 00205r1P802-15 | TG3 MAC Proposal for High Rate WPAN | ppt | Kinney | Jul | 993KB | 00205r1P802-15_TG3-MAC-Proposal-for-High-Rate-WPAN.ppt |
31 | 00/206 | g | 00206r0P802-15 | TG3 Physical Layer proposal for the High Rate 802.15.3 Standard | ppt | Davis | Jul | 1397KB | 00206r0P802-15_TG3-PHY-LAYER-PRES.ppt |
32 | 00/207 | g | 00207r0P802-15 | TG3 Physical Layer submission for the High Rate 802.15.3 Standard | doc | Davis | Jul | 229KB | 00207r0P802-15_TG3-PHY-LAYER-SUB.doc |
33 | 00/208 | g | 00208r0P802-15 | A MAC Layer proposal for the High Rate 802.15.3 Standard | ppt | Davis | Jul | 772KB | 00208r0P802-15_TG3-MAC-LAYER-PRES.ppt |
34 | 00/209 | g | 00209r0P802-15 | A MAC Layer submission for the High Rate 802.15.3 Standard | doc | Davis | Jul | 263KB | 00209r0P802-15_TG3-MAC-LAYER-SUB.doc |
35 | 00/210 | g | 00210r1P802-15 | TG3 Supergold Coded Modulation for the WPAN Application | ppt | O’Farrell | Jul | 183KB | 00210r1P802-15_Supergold-Coded-Modulation-for-the-WPAN-Application.ppt |
36 | 00/210 | g | 00210r2P802-15 | TG3 Supergold Coded Modulation for the WPAN Application | ppt | O’Farrell | Jul | 221KB | 00210r2P802-15_Supergold-Coded-Modulation-for-the-WPAN-Application.ppt |
37 | 00/210 | g | 00210r3P802-15 | TG3 Supergold Coded Modulation for the WPAN Application | ppt | O’Farrell | Jul | 319KB | 00210r3P802-15_Supergold-Coded-Modulation-for-the-WPAN-Application.ppt |
38 | 00/211 | g | 00211r0P802-15 | TG3 Wideband Frequency Hopping PAN | ppt | Karaoguz | Jul | 276KB | 00211r0P802-15_TG3_Wideband-Frequency-Hopping-PAN.ppt |
39 | 00/211 | g | 00211r1P802-15 | TG3 Wideband Frequency Hopping PAN | ppt | Karaoguz | Jul | 296KB | 00211r1P802-15_TG3_Wideband-Frequency-Hopping-PAN.ppt |
40 | 00/211 | g | 00211r2P802-15 | TG3 Wideband Frequency Hopping PAN | ppt | Karaoguz | Jul | 81KB | 00211r2P802-15_TG3-Wideband-Frequency-Hopping-PAN.ppt |
41 | 00/211 | g | 00211r3P802-15 | TG3 Wideband Frequency Hopping PAN | ppt | Karaoguz | Jul | 319KB | 00211r3P802-15_TG3-Wideband-Frequency-Hopping-PAN.ppt |
42 | 00/211 | g | 00211r4P802-15 | TG3 Wideband Frequency Hopping PAN | ppt | Karaoguz | Jul | 322KB | 00211r4P802-15_TG3-Wideband-Frequency-Hopping-PAN.ppt |
43 | 00/212 | g | 00212r0P802-15 | TG3 Eastman Kodak High Rate MAC Proposal | ppt | Heberling | Jul | 113KB | 00212r0P802-15_TG3_Eastman-Kodak-HighRate-MAC-Proposal.ppt |
44 | 00/213 | g | 00213r0P802-15 | TG3 Reusable 15.1 SW Components | doc | Heberling | Jul | 64KB | 00213r0P802-15_TG3_Reusable-15.1-SW-Components.doc |
45 | 00/213 | g | 00213r0P802-15 | TG3 Reusable 15.1 SW Components | Heberling | Jul | 30KB | 00213r0P802-15_TG3_Reusable-15.1-SW-Components.PDF | |
46 | 00/214 | g | 00214r1P802-15 | TG3 Eastman Kodak High Rate PHY Proposal | ppt | Carlson | Jul | 170KB | 00214r1P802-15_TG3_Eastman-Kodak-High-Rate-PHY-Proposal.ppt |
47 | 00/214 | g | 00214r2P802-15 | TG3 Eastman Kodak High Rate PHY Proposal | ppt | Carlson | Jul | 183KB | 00214r2P802-15_TG3-Eastman-Kodak-High-Rate-PHY-Proposal.ppt |
48 | 00/214 | g | 00214r3P802-15 | TG3 Eastman Kodak High Rate PHY Proposal | ppt | Carlson | Jul | 154KB | 00214r3P802-15_TG3-Eastman-Kodak-High-Rate-PHY-Proposal.ppt |
49 | 00/215 | g | 00215r0P802-15 | TG3 Eastman Kodak Support Document for PHY Proposal | doc | Carlson | Jul | 79KB | 00215r0P802-15_TG3_Eastman-Kodak-Support-Document-for-PHY-Proposal.doc |
50 | 00/218 | g | 00218r0P802-15 | TG3 MAC Proposal for High Rate WPAN | doc | Kinney | Jul | 164KB | 00218r0P802-15_TG3-MAC-Proposal-for-High-Rate-WPAN.doc |
51 | 00/225 | g | 00225r0P802-15 | TG3 An OFDM Solution Providing Compatibility Between the Next Generation of High Rate Wireless PANs and Wireless LANs-doc | ppt | Dydyk | Jul | 421KB | 00225r0P802-15_TG3-Motorola-OFDM-Solution.ppt |
(1) This numbering sequence is arbitrary; it is based on the WG Doc List -00/000r4 [00000r4P802-15_Document-Index-for-2000.xls] and post Session #7/La Jolla contributions. It is just a serialization of the worksheet entries - for reference only. Note that some are updates.
(2) This proposal is a merging of Motorola (Labs Paris -00/201r0/-00/225r0) and Radiata (-00/196r2) former contributions.
(3) The TI -00/200r2 was not published; r4 is the latest.
(4) The r2 contribution was edited to comply with the WG header template rules on 12Sep00 am EDT; and the r2 file was updated; no other changes occurred.
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(Modified: 05-Feb-2004
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