Call For Applications & Call for Proposals Presentations Schedule

1 Duval, Mary Texas Instruments 00029r0P802-15_CFA-Response-High-Rate-WPAN-for-Video-r2.ppt Application Mar00
2 Leeper, Dave Intel Corporation 00088r0P802-15_HRSG-802-15-BT-HR-Proposed-Requirements.ppt Application Mar00
3 Alfvin, Rick Eastman Kodak Company 00075r1P802-15_HRSG-CFA-Response-for-Digital-Imaging.ppt Application Mar00
4 Carlson, Grant Eastman Kodak Company - PHY Proposal Jul00
5 Heberling, Allen Eastman Kodak Company - MAC Proposal Jul00
6 Atkinson, Anne Time Domain Corporation - Application Jul00
7 Atkinson, Anne Time Domain Corporation - PHY Proposal Jul00
8 Atkinson, Anne Time Domain Corporation - MAC Proposal Jul00
9 Roberts, Richard Intersil Corporation 00049r1P802-15_HRSG-PAN-High-Rate-Deployment-Considerations.doc Application Mar00
10 Kraemer, Bruce Intersil Corporation 00050r1P802-15_HRSG-Suggested-Requirements.doc MAC Proposal Mar00
11 Kraemer, Bruce Intersil Corporation 00051r1P802-15_HRSG-Desirable-PHY-Modulation-wrt-HR.doc PHY Proposal Mar00
12 Davis, Walter Motorola, Inc. 00086r1P802-15_HRSG-Wireless-Multimedia-Application-Motorola.ppt Application Mar00
13 Davis, Walter Motorola, Inc. - PHY Proposal Jul00
14 Davis, Walter Motorola, Inc. - MAC Proposal Jul00
15 Hermann, Reto IBM Corporation - - -
16 Lansford, Jim Mobilian Corporation - PHY Proposal -
17 Rypinski, Chandos Consultant 00077r1P802-15_HRSG-Case-for-DOQPSK-High-Rate-Physical-Medium-Modulation.pdf PHY Proposal Mar00
18 Rypinski, Chandos Consultant 00078r2P802-15_HRSG-Intro-to-PHY-MAC-Contributions.pdf Application Mar00
19 Rypinski, Chandos Consultant 00079r0P802-15_HRSG-Req-7-Recommended-Functions-in-High-Rate.doc MAC Proposal Mar00
20 Warren, Lee Wi-LAN Inc. - PHY Proposal Jul00
21 Warren, Lee Wi-LAN Inc. - MAC Proposal Jul00
22 Rossin, Eric Alantro Communications - PHY Proposal -
23 Rofheart, Martin XtremeSpectrum, Inc. - PHY Proposal Jul00
24 Lynch, George Digital Imaging Group - Application -
25 Kinney, Patrick Intermec Technologies - PHY Proposal Jul00
26 Kinney, Patrick Intermec Technologies - MAC Proposal Jul00
27 Wilson, Richard IDmicro - - -

Who to call with questions