stds-802-16-tg3: Letters to the FCC for more UNII Bandwidth
Hi All:
At the beginning of April the ITU-R 8a/9b will be discussing the issue of a
globally harmonized 5 GHz band for licence-exempt applications. The FCC and
NTIA will be represented at these meetings. The NTIA and US DoD oppose the
expansion of the UNII bands into 5470-5725 MHz, and harmonization in this
band in general. If you expect the FCC to support the extension of the UNII
band it is important that you or representatives from your company write
the FCC expressing the wish for more bandwidth. In the US write a letter
of support to Paul Marrangoni at the Federal Communications Commission,
445 12th Street, S.W. Washington, DC 20554. His email is
Broad band applications need bandwidth. Currently there is only 200 MHz of
Unlicensed bandwidth available for outdoor use. More bandwidth will make
your UNII systems operate more effectively with less interference and
better reliability. Write the FCC and make an impact.
Paul welcomes the input and he'll need it to support any extension of the
UNII band. Even if your company is not resident in the US, but does
business there, your letters will be welcomed.
John Sydor
Research Broad Band Wireless
Communications Research Centre
3701 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, Canada
K2H 8S2
Ph. 613-998-2388