RE: stds-802-16-tg4: coexistence with 802.11/802.15
Is there a known/agreed to level of signal power that will disrupt
an 802.11/802.15 system? Can we say that the method used is up to the
manufacturer, but that it is a requirement that the installed system will
not emit more than this signal level in the direction of the host building?
There are apparently many different means for achieving the target effect.
Would the standard benefit if these approaches were categorized and
presented in a generalized manner?
Given the responses to this point, I do not feel that the MAC has any
coexistence requirement other than that of coexisting with other 802.16
systems. However, before this can proceed we will need input from the PHY
group to understand what common "other 802.16 cell" detection method could
be used by all manufacturers.
Thank you to those who've responded on this issue. Remember that meetings
are best for decision making, voting, and/or final approvals. The mailing
lists are the place to debate the merits of different approaches to