stds-802-16-tg4: new 802.16b Strawman
Dear All,
The new 802.16b Strawman can be found at:
Since we are running out of time, I publish it even if I am still
missing updates on some sections and waiting for some feedback on
sections 4 and 5.
The document includes contributions from Nico, Yossi, Sean, and Brian. I
have also used what Demos sent through TG4 reflector. Thank you all.
From now on I will incorporate comments/updates from section leaders
immediately and I will use the reflector to announce when a new version
is available. The same applies for the very disputed section 4 where we
have 4 different authors for 4 subsections.
Best Regards,
Octavian Sarca
Redline Communications Inc.
90 Tiverton Crt. #102
Markham, ON, L3R 9V2