All, Within IEEE 802.15 we have a task group (TG2) to address the issue of Coexistence of WPANs and WLANs in the unlicenced band. Recently there has been a growing interest in the issue of Coexistence within IEEE 802.11, with the formation of the 5G study group. Also recently the IEEE 802.16 working group has established the Wireless HUMAN group to look at establishing standards for Broadband wireless access in the unlicenced bands. As a result of all this activity we are looking for the best structure to address Coexistence within the IEEE 802 Wireless working groups. The purpose of this email is to start an email discussion on these reflectors about the various options that we have. The plan after that would be to capture the essence of this discussion and to make a proposal at the Monterey meeting as to how to structure the Coexistence work within the Wireless 802 groups. Attached is a presentation that Al Petrick and I made at the Joint 802.11 and 802.15 meeting in Tampa. This proposal represents one approach. The following are the three approaches I have heard mentioned. Please comment on them by replying to this email. Please include all three email reflectors so members of all three wireless working groups can participate. 1. Set up three separate coexistence task groups, one in each working group. 2. Form a joint Task Group under the three working groups. This is a new structure that has never be done before. 3. Form a new working group. This Wireless 802 Coexistence working group would address all coexistence issues within the unlicenced bands. Please send in your comments. Sincerely, Steve