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stds-802-16: RE: Your Disapprove vote in 802.16 Letter Ballot #4


	I ask for clarification of the procedure when we proceed with
At some moment I have decided to take back formally my disagreement 
with certain 802.16a topics and vote "Approve". There was an assumption 
(that we all shared) on successful proceeding to Sponsor Ballot where 
the same comments might be re-submitted.  

	Unfortunately, we find ourselves in position when the document
does not go immediately to Sponsor Ballot. In this case I would like 
to re-submit certain unresolved comments (mainly MAC stuff). The problem is
that we have no ongoing process of comments resolution and no
active call for comments.  I believe there are more people in this position.
What is the right procedure? 



-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir Yanover 
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 4:32 PM
To: 'Roger B. Marks'
Subject: RE: Your Disapprove vote in 802.16 Letter Ballot #4


Thanks for your letter
After some consideration, I decided that it is more important for all of us
to proceed as fast
as possible to Sponsor Ballot. So I just submit an "Approve" vote [in
separated letter] having in mind that 
I can submit my comments later on.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Roger B. Marks []
> Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 9:48 AM
> To: Vladimir Yanover
> Subject: Re: Your Disapprove vote in 802.16 Letter Ballot #4
> Vladimir:
> I would appreciate your willingness to vote Approve in the 
> Confirmation Ballot. Doing so would increase the odds of us 
> proceeding promptly to Sponsor Ballot, where you are a ballot group 
> member and your issues can be reconsidered.
> If you have further comments on D3, I hope that you will save them 
> for Sponsor Ballot instead of bringing them up in the Confirmation 
> Ballot. This would only further risk our progress.
> Please let me know if I can answer any questions.
> Best regards,
> Roger
> >Dear 802.16 Member:
> >
> >Letter Ballot #4, on the issue of forwarding P802.16a to Sponsor 
> >Ballot, currently stands at 92 Approve, 15 Disapprove. You are one 
> >of the Disapprove voters who has not yet responded in Confirmation 
> >Ballot #4b (and, in many cases, not in Recirculation #4a either).
> >
> >In most cases, the Working Group has approved a resolution of some 
> >kind to your comment but has not received a reaction to it from you.
> >
> >Confirmation Ballot #4b concludes in just over two days (Thursday 4 
> >April 2002 at 5 pm U.S. Eastern time). I would very much like to 
> >hear from you. Some options you could consider:
> >
> >*If you vote "Approve", then you are implicitly satisfied with all 
> >of the comment resolutions and approve of going forward with Sponsor 
> >Ballot. This does not preclude you from raising the same, or similar 
> >issues, at Sponsor Ballot. If you are not a member of the Sponsor 
> >Ballot Group, you can still submit comments through me, or through 
> >someone else.
> >
> >*Likewise, you could vote "Abstain". The effect would be similar to 
> >an "Approve" vote.
> >
> >*If you want to remain a Disapprove voter, it would still be very 
> >helpful to know whether you are satisfied with ANY of the 
> >resolutions of your Binding comments. If so, we can strike these off 
> >the list (see below). Note that "satisfied" doesn't mean that you 
> >are happy with the result, only that you can accept the group's 
> >decision and don't object, on that basis, to going forward with 
> >Sponsor Ballot.
> >
> >I will be under great time pressure from the time this ballot 
> >concludes. I would VERY MUCH appreciate your response as soon as 
> >possible so I can get ahead of some of the work. If you like, you 
> >may send your vote in an email message to me instead of preparing it 
> >with Commentary.
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >Roger
> >
> >
> >Comment VOTER
> >0982	Arrakoski
> >1037	Arrakoski
> >1060	Chayat
> >1116	Chayat
> >0069	Gieschen
> >0108	Gieschen
> >0167	Gieschen
> >0169	Gieschen
> >0175	Gieschen
> >0188	Gieschen
> >0197	Gieschen
> >0971	Gieschen
> >1061	Goldhammer
> >0269	Jacobsen
> >0928	Joo
> >1108	Joo
> >0049	Kolze
> >0270	Kolze
> >0476	Kolze
> >0491	Kolze
> >0638	Kolze
> >1069	Lindh
> >0535	Lindh
> >0221	Lycklama
> >1095	Mody
> >0771	Taylor
> >0034	Trinkwon
> >0035	Trinkwon
> >0933	van Waes
> >1163	van Waes
> >0319	Wang
> >0864	Yanover
> >1031	Yanover