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stds-802-16: Mtg 25 Updates

I haven't seen any updated response or resolution yet to my pre-meeting emails concerning the Attendance List discrepancies for Mtg 24, or the WiMAX Copyright Issues and lack of Individual Contributor information on the WiMax contributions.  I appreciate that these might have been discussed during Mtg 25 but there is currently no updated information on the global server for those of us who were unable to attend the meeting.
I also notice that a link to the WiMax web site has been added at some time to the "General Information" segment of the 802.16 web page. There are no similar links to any other commercial organizations and I suggest that this is inappropriate unless it has been discussed and agreed by the WG membership. It gives the impression of a privileged relationship (we didn't even do that for WCAI - or for BWIF who were an IEEE associated entity).  If we have established a formal liaison between 802.16 and WiMax (with named representatives etc ) then it might be appropriate to have a link under the "Liaison" segment on the 802 web page - although I don't perceive WiMax to be "equivalent" to ETSI or ITU-R.

David Trinkwon
Email :

USA Tel : 650 245 5650            Fax : 650 649 2728
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