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stds-802-16: Urgent: filling with FCC for 5GHz NPRM - by Sept. 3


FCC has an NPRM open process (ET Docket No. 03-122 ), to close
 tomorrow, regarding the supplementary allocation 255MHz in 5GHz.

We should support this allocation and to address the pct. 18, that is
 802.16 specific:

"Consistent with the agreements cited earlier, we propose to add the
 5.470-5.725 GHz band to the U-NII bands with the same technical
 requirements that apply to the existing 5.250-5.350 GHz U-NII sub-band.
  This is consistent with the WECA petition and the U.S. position for
 the upcoming WRC-03.  The Federal Government believes that the
 power must be limited to 1 watt e.i.r.p. to protect incumbent systems.
 We also believe that this will best provide for communications among
 devices within and among buildings where demand is greatest.  We 
expect that the 100 MHz of spectrum that is already available at
 5.725-5.825 GHz will remain sufficient for higher power operations.
  We note in particular that operations over longer distances employ
 directional antennas that allow for high reuse and sharing of the
 spectrum, which mitigates the need for additional spectrum for these
 types of operations.  We seek comment on this analysis."

In my view, 802.16 companies should support Wi-Fi and fill the
 following points, with special attention to pct. 18 answer. Below are
 directions, please use your own wording: 

- allocation of additional 255 MHz of internationally harmonized
 spectrum should be encouraged and expedited;
- the new spectrum should be reserved for "broadband" digital
 technology and not narrowband uses;
- Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS), with radar detection, is an
 acceptable method to protect incumbent users;
- DFS algorithm should be aligned with ETSI
- DFS should only be required for central controller devices, not for
 units under control of the central controller;

- Regarding pct. 18 in  ET Docket No. 03-122, we should answer
 that 100MHz are not enough, based on using this band for sectorized
 Base Stations and their feeding, by at least 2 operators in the same
 area and using one channel as guard band). The 5.8GHz band is also
 occupied by different ISM devices, as cordless phones, creating
 un-controlled interference.
The comment filling (Wi-Fi instructions):

1.  Go this web site:

2.  For the field 1 "Proceeding", enter "03-122" and tab to the next field
 (do not use the "enter" button, but use "tab" to move through the fields)

3.  Tab to field 3 and fill in the company name for "Applicant/Petitioner"

4.  Tab to field 7, 8, 9 and 10 and fill in the company address.

5.  Leave the remaining fields as the default and scroll to the section
 labeled:  "Send Comment Files to the FCC (Attachments)"

6.  In the field labeled "File:"; use the "Browse" tab to locate the file
 you wish to upload to the FCC (the FCC will accept PDF, Word and
 WordPerfect files)

7.  Once the file is selected and entered into the "File" field, tab to
 the field labeled "Select one of these file types or convert your file to
 one of these types:" and choose the type of file to be uploaded; you
 can also submit simple comments - see pct. 12

8.  Look back over everything entered, to be sure that you are ready to
 submit the filing to the FCC

9.  Next select the tab labeled "Send Attached File to the FCC"

10.  A prompt will come up asking if you want to attach any additional
 filings or attachments, choose the first tab "Finish Transaction and
 Receive Confirmation"

11.  After selecting this tab, the FCC will respond with a web HTML
 confirmation page that can either be saved or printed.  Keep this
 confirmation page in case anything does not upload properly.

12. You have the "Brief Comment" option, that allows you to send
 actually long texts.


      Marianna Goldhammer
       Director - Strategic Technologies
    Alvarion, Ltd.
10 years of wireless expertise
       21 HaBarzel Street
       P.O.Box 13139, Tel Aviv 61131, Israel
       Tel: (972)- 3 -6456241/6262
       Fax: (972) -3 -6456204


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