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Re: [STDS-802-16] LE Ad-hoc - BS-BS Interference - Call for solut ions

Yes, and they have a frequency plans that allows this to happen plus they operate in licensed bands where operators have different parts of the band set out specifically for this to happen.
-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Pulley [mailto:dougp@PICOCHIP.COM]
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 1:40 PM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] LE Ad-hoc - BS-BS Interference - Call for solut ions

Agreed - as long as 15 years and more ago a significant percentage of masts in the UK had both Vodafone and Cellnet antennas on - even if one or other owned the actual site.  2G and 3G infrastructure sharing has considered and in some cases implemented all manner of other scenarios (antenna and feeder sharing etc etc through to MVNO).


Dr Doug Pulley
Chief Technical Officer

Kiernan, Brian G. wrote:
I agree with everything Gordon says except his last point regarding
competing operators on the same tower.

Towers are very expensive real estate and with the increased
restrictions on tower siting due to various environmental and aesthetic
considerations, it is getting even more difficult and more expensive to
find and construct suitable tower sites, especially in urban and
suburban areas.  The mobile industry found this out a number of years
ago and it is now very common to find competing operators using the same
tower, often just leasing space from the tower owner (who may not even
be an operator).


-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon Antonello [mailto:GAntonello@WI-LAN.COM]
Sent: Friday, March 26, 2004 11:45 AM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] LE Ad-hoc - BS-BS Interference - Call for
solut ions

Usually 802.11 systems are indoors and the likelihood of having an
802.11 AP
antenna in close proximity to an 802.16 BS antenna is quite low, if not
zero.  802.11 systems operate in un-licensed bands, typically 5.8 and/or
GHz, and there are rules established, at least in Europe, for
I would suggest the group investigate the co-existence rules currently
established for Europe as a starting point, it may prove useful.  Also,
my opinion it is highly unlikely there would be two competing operators
sharing the same tower, even in un-licensed bands.


-----Original Message-----
From: Itzik Kitroser []
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] LE Ad-hoc - BS-BS Interference - Call for


I understand that from your calculations, a feasible 802.16
solution will be realistic only by BS coordination.
What if you have several 802.11 APs, or any other technology
using same bands, close to your BS, with no apparent means of
