Re: [STDS-802-16] T16 Clarification
To continue this issue, can someone clarify the
relations between T16 and the "contention-based reservation timeout". Currently,
following a contention bandwidth request, expiration of T16 will result in
increasing the contention window and resending the bandwidth request. Receiving
a certain number of UL-MAPs without a grant will be considered by the SS as an
unsuccessful transmission (the SS behavior at this case is not clearly defined -
will it increase the window and request again? Are both retransmissions will be
counted against the Request Retries parameter?)
T16 timer is defined (table 340) as "Wait for bandwidth
request grant" with a minimum value of 10ms and "Service QoS
dependent" maximum value. What is the intention in defining the
maximum value in this way? Since T16 is not part of the service flow parameters
isn't its maximum value in the discretion of the