[STDS-802-16] [802-11WG] CBP-SG 27 April telecon update
The minutes from the April 20 telecon are posted at 802wirelessworld as
If you do have a presentation you would like to give, please correctly
format it and post on the 802.11 document server and send me an email.
If you would volunteer to take minutes, please send me an email, so I
can send you a template with the attendees information.
* Roll call
* Approval of agenda
* "Are you aware of, and understand the IEEE patent policy",
if not "Refer the correct section or IEEE Patcom URL"
* Summary of progress during previous telecon
* Discussion of Spectrum Sharing required by 05-56
[refer to the four sets of slides for economic viewpoints]
I'd welcome any thoughts/email/presentations about what happens when
each transmitter is trying to start a voice call, as whether the
discussion is in IP packets elsewhere, or it is carried over radios, the
same things have to be understood by all:
- capabilities to use the band in time, space, frequency, code;
- present use/experience of the band in t/s/f/c, and
whether some notion of admission control exists, and on what basis it
operates. For now, we have to use the 802.11 Working Group reflector for
emails, and I've asked that listserv make a list for the CBP-SG
* Discussion of FCC R&O 05-56, R&O 05-57, and prior NPRMs
* Approval of cbp-sg telecon minutes 802.11-05/331 and 05/336
* Any other discussion
* Adjourn at or before 2PM
Date: 27 April 2005
Time: 1 PM Eastern time
Duration: 1 hour
Phone # 1-866-902-7861 (toll-free outside 408 area code)
International: +1-408-902-7861
Meeting ID: 87654321
Thanks in advance,
§ 90.7 Definitions.
* * * * *
Contention-based protocol. A protocol that allows multiple users to
share the same spectrum by defining the events that must occur when two
or more transmitters attempt to simultaneously access the same channel
and establishing rules by which a transmitter provides reasonable
opportunities for other transmitters to operate. Such a protocol may
consist of procedures for initiating new transmissions, procedures for
determining the state of the channel (available or unavailable), and
procedures for managing retransmissions in the event of a busy channel.