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[STDS-802-16] OFDM256 PHY Performance parameters query

I am a Mater's student from India doing my thesis on 802.16-2004 based OFDM-256 PHY.
Could someone clarify the simulation parameters that need to be used to get performance curves for OFDM-256 PHY. Say for example I want to plot the BER curves for DL.
(1) Should I use one burst/packet of long preamble followed by enough OFDM data frames to calculate the BER at 1e-6 ? or should I use N packets of DL (with each packet starting with the long preamble and having a fixed number of bytes... I recently saw that one of the vendors shows the BER curves for AWGN with packet length of ~1500 Bytes)
(2) For AWGN as well as SUI channels is'nt PER a better measure of the performance than BER ? since the UL and DL communication links are bursty rather than continuous.
(3) how much carrier offset (in ppm?) should be added (worst case).
(4) PA model that is generally used ?
(5) how much phase noise is to be added?
I will appreciate if some of you experts share with me the typical performance parameters that are acceptable and if possible share some performace curves for AWGN as well as SUI channels.
Eagerly looking forward for some response.
Warm Regards,

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