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[STDS-802-16] Problems with ranging process


With ref to ranging) of Docs 882.16-2004 and

1. Where is the RNG-RSP message loacated during the initial ranging process
2. If RNG-RSP precedes a RNG-REQ as is the case here, what should be
the uplink channel ID field of the RNG-RSP message.
3. In case of RNG-RSP with success status, BW has to be allocated in
the uplink for the SS to transmit RNG-REQ message. To to this, the
CDMA_Allocation_IE does not have a field that specfy the location of
the RNG-REQ mesg.(It only seems to specify duration)
4. What is "RNG-RSP transmission on a CDMA_Allocation_IE" and why
should this kind of response have a continue status
