[STDS-802-16] Fwd: Notice of Intent to Propose - 802.22
>Dear all,
>I'm VERY sorry for the "churn" on this ... but today's earlier
>"final reminder" message with respect to the deadline of October 1st
>for submitting a "Notice of Intent to Submit a Proposal" has
>generated a NUMBER of requests that the deadline for submitting a
>"Notice of Intent to Propose" be extended until October 15th.
>Since the main purpose of setting the deadline was primarily to make
>the planning/scheduling of the November meetings easier for me, and
>in the interest of not foreclosing interested parties from
>participating in the work of 802.22 by submitting proposals, I have
>decided to honor the requests and extend the deadline for receipt of
>a "Notice of Intent to Submit a Proposal" to 6:00 pm EDT on
>Saturday, October 15th.
>This, however, will HAVE to be the FINAL extension.
>"Notices of Intent to Propose" can, as previously stated, be
>delivered to me at
><mailto:carl.stevenson@ieee.org>carl.stevenson@ieee.org or
><mailto:wk3c@wk3c.com>wk3c@wk3c.com in e-mail form, simply stating
>your intent to submit a proposal to the November meeting.
>I will issue a tentative agenda for the November 802.22 session 30
>days before the beginning of the meetings, as required, but will
>have to revise it before the meeting based on the number of
>The 802.22 website will be updated to reflect this change and a
>"Call for Proposals" will go out no later than close of business EDT
>on Monday, October 3rd, outlining the requirements for proposal
>Carl R. Stevenson, Chair, IEEE 802.22
>>This is a *final reminder* that the deadline for submitting a
>>Notice of Intent to Propose for 802.22 is close of business EDT on
>>Saturday, October 1, 2005.
>>(This is necessary to allow the planning/scheduling of the November plenary.)
>>The notice can simply be an e-mail to the Chair at
>><mailto:carl.stevenson@ieee.org>carl.stevenson@ieee.org stating
>>your intent to submit a proposal.
>>The proposal can be for a complete system solution
>>(PHY/MAC/air_interface) or a partial proposal (just PHY, just MAC,
>>or some other aspect that you believe would lend value to the WG's
>>efforts to arrive at a baseline for a 1st draft of the standard).
>>It would be helpful for planning purposes for the November meeting
>>if your notice of intent would indicate what type of proposal you
>>intend to make.
>>Anyone who is not sure whether they will submit a proposal or not
>>SHOULD submit a notice of intent before the deadline. It costs you
>>nothing and you can always withdraw if you change your mind.
>>Better to "put your place marker down" now than to wish you had
>>Proposals will not be accepted, nor will presentation time be
>>scheduled for them at the November plenary, if the requirement to
>>express intent to propose is not submitted by the deadline.
>>Carl R. Stevenson, Chair, IEEE 802.22