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[STDS-802-16] Fwd: [802SEC] Request for assistance on ISO/IEC JTC1 project


To see the attachment, see the message in the EC reflector archive:


Begin forwarded message:

> From: Paul Nikolich <paul.nikolich@ATT.NET>
> Date: August 21, 2006 04:57:11 AM MDT
> To:
> Subject: [802SEC] Request for assistance on ISO/IEC JTC1 project
> Dear EC members,
> Please see the below message from Andrew Myles who is leading the  
> 802-wide effort on responding to the ISO/IEC/JTC1 project.  Please  
> forward in request for input to your WG members and have them reply  
> directly to Andrew at
> Regards,
> --Paul Nikolich
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------
> Dear IEEE 802.x WG members
> The quick story  (with details below) is:
>   a.. Potential problems related the approval of WAPI as an  
> amendment to ISO/IEC 8802-11 were recently avoided
>   b.. The WAPI/802.11i debate highlighted important questions  
> regarding the relationship between IEEE 802 and ISO/IEC
>   c.. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 has now started a process to review the  
> cooperation agreement with IEEE 802
>   d.. IEEE 802 LMSC is planning to make a submission to the  
> cooperation agreement review
>   e.. Comments are requested from IEEE 802 members with a  
> particular focus on identified major issues
> Note responses are due by CoB on Monday 28 August 2006 to Andrew  
> Myles ( Also note that this request is  
> applicable to any IEEE 802 WG that may want to standardise  
> internationally through ISO/IEC.
> Andrew Myles
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------
> Potential problems related the approval of WAPI as an amendment to  
> ISO/IEC 8802-11 were recently avoided
> In 2005, both WAPI (proposed by SAC, the Chinese National Body) and  
> IEEE 802.11i (proposed by the UK National Body on behalf of the  
> IEEE 802.11 WG) were submitted to ISO/IEC JTC1 for international  
> standardisation as amendments to ISO/IEC 8802-11 (plus various  
> amendments) using the JTC1 Fast Track ballot procedure. ISO/IEC  
> 8802-11 is effectively the same as the IEEE 802.11 standard.
> Approval by ISO/IEC JTC1 of both amendments as international  
> standards would have been problematic because the two amendments  
> contained contradictory editing instructions. Approval of only the  
> WAPI amendment would have also been problematic because this would  
> have made it almost impossible for any further IEEE 802.11  
> amendments to be submitted to ISO/IEC for international  
> standardisation given the significant differences that would have  
> existed between IEEE 802.11 (using 802.11i) and ISO/IEC 8802-11  
> (using WAPI).
> Fortunately, these potential problems do not need to be addressed  
> because in June 2006 the Fast Track ballot on WAPI failed and the  
> Fast Track ballot on IEEE 802.11i passed. IEEE 802.11i has now been  
> published as an ISO/IEC international standard.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------
> The WAPI/802.11i debate highlighted important questions regarding  
> the relationship between IEEE 802 and ISO/IEC
> During the 802.11i/WAPI debate, the existing cooperation agreement  
> between IEEE 802 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG1 was quoted on multiple  
> occasions to support various positions related to whether or not  
> IEEE 802.11i and/or WAPI should be approved as international  
> standards.
> The existing cooperation agreement is documented in "ISO/IEC TR  
> 8802-1:2001: Overview of Local Area Network Standards" (attached).  
> This document mostly contains a general (and somewhat dated)  
> introduction to IEEE 802 standards for wired and wireless LANs.  
> However, clause 4 defines a detailed process for cooperation  
> between IEEE 802 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG1 that enables almost  
> automatic international standardisation of IEEE 802 standards. This  
> agreement was based on earlier ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 documents and  
> resolutions, including "ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 6N11917: Procedures for  
> ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 WG1 and IEEE 802 LMSC Cooperative  
> Working" (attached).
> Interestingly, it appears that the detailed cooperation process  
> defined in ISO/IEC TR 8802-1:2001 has never been used in full  
> because the annex that is supposed to catalogue standards approved  
> using the process is empty. In many cases, IEEE 802 standards have  
> not been submitted to ISO/IEC for international standardisation.  
> Where IEEE 802 standards have been submitted to ISO/IEC, they have  
> always (?) been approved using the JTC1 Fast Track ballot  
> procedure. An attempt to allow ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 NBs to comment on  
> the IEEE 802.11ma draft according to the defined process recently  
> failed because the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 Secretariat failed to pass on  
> liaisons from the IEEE 802.11 WG to the NBs. The lack of use of the  
> cooperation agreement over a five year period immediately calls  
> into question its effectiveness and usefulness.
> In ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 N13128 (attached), the Chinese NB states the  
> current cooperation agreement between IEEE 802 and ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6  
> needs "review, clarification and improvement". They highlight  
> particular concerns relating to copyright ownership and potential  
> competition from the IEEE as a developer of international/global  
> standards. They also raise the question of whether the ISO/IEC  
> 8802-11 standard can be modified within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6/WG1  
> without approval from the IEEE 802.11 WG.
> Many IEEE 802 members are also concerned about the contents and  
> effectiveness of this cooperation agreement, if only because the  
> current agreement did not protect members from having to put a huge  
> amount of effort and resources into the 802.11i/WAPI issue over a  
> three period, with no useful gain.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------
> ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 has now started a process to review the  
> cooperation agreement with IEEE 802
> In June 2006, the ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 plenary decided (see attached  
> document ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 N13127) to request the SC6 NBs, IEEE SA,  
> IEEE 802 LMSC, JTC1 and ITTF to review the various documents that  
> define the current cooperation agreement. The documents (all  
> attached) are:
>   a.. ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 6N11917: Procedures for ISO/IEC JTC1 SC6 WG1  
> and IEEE 802 LMSC Cooperative Working
>   b.. ISO/IEC TR 8802-1:2001: Overview of Local Area Network Standards
>   c.. Other relevant document, including motion 6.3.1 from ISO/IEC  
> JTC1/SC6 6N11240
> The process requires input to the ISO/IEC 8802-1:2001 project  
> editor by 27 September 2006.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------
> IEEE 802 LMSC is planning to make a submission to the cooperation  
> agreement review
> IEEE 802 LMSC has received a request from ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 to  
> participate in the review of  the cooperation agreement ISO/IEC  
> JTC1/SC6/WG1 and IEEE 802.11 LMSC. Paul Nikolich (Chair of IEEE 802  
> LMSC) has requested Andrew Myles ( to  
> facilitate the development of an IEEE 802 LMSC position for  
> approval by IEEE 802 LMSC and subsequent submission to the  ISO/IEC  
> 8802-1:2001 project editor.
> Unfortunately, the time scales are relatively short. In an attempt  
> to satisfy the required timescales, the following timetable will be  
> used:
>   a.. 21 Aug: Paul Nikolich sends this request to IEEE 802 LMSC  
> members for forwarding to the various Working Groups .
>   b.. 28 Aug: IEEE 802 members respond to Andrew Myles  
> ( with comments and possibly volunteer to  
> assist in following steps
>   c.. 4 Sept: Volunteers complete draft proposed IEEE 802 LMSC  
> position document
>   d.. 5 Sept: Paul Nikolich distributes draft proposed IEEE 802  
> LMSC position document to IEEE 802 LMSC and other interested parties
>   e.. 6 Sept: Andrew Myles hosts a teleconference to discuss  
> position with any interested parties
>   f.. 15 Sept: Volunteers complete final proposed IEEE 802 LMSC  
> position document
>   g.. 16 Sept: Paul Nikolich distributes draft proposed IEEE 802  
> LMSC position document to IEEE 802 LMSC for 10 day e-mail ballot
>   h.. 26 Sept: Paul Nikolich submits approved IEEE 802 LMSC  
> position document to ISO/IEC 8802-1:2001 project editor
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ----------
> Comments are requested from IEEE 802 members with a particular  
> focus on identified major issues
> ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 are requesting comments on any of the documents  
> related to the cooperation agreement (including 6N11917, TR  
> 8802-1:2001, 6N11240).
> However, to assist the process of developing an IEEE 802 position,  
> IEEE 802 members are requested to focus on the following issues:
>   a.. Does the material in ISO/IEC 8802-1:2001 not directly related  
> to the cooperation process have any value?
>     a.. Is there any need to keep or update this material, given it  
> is difficult to maintain?
>   b..  Should IEEE 802 submit any/some/all IEEE 802.x standards or  
> amendments to ISO/IEC for international standardisation?
>     a.. If so, why? For which IEEE 802 standards or amendments?
>     b.. If not, why not? For which IEEE 802 standards or amendments?
>   c.. How should ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 /WG1 NBs make technical input  
> into IEEE 802.x standards or amendments as they are being developed?
>     a.. Note: the NBs could provide a valuable perspective based on  
> different assumption from those of typical 802.x members
>     b.. How can the existing process be made to work better or is a  
> new process required?
>     c.. Could we use technology better to make the process smoother?
>     d.. Should NB's be given the opportunity to join the Sponsor  
> Ballot Pools? It this possible under current rules?
>     e.. Should NB's be given the opportunity to join the Work Group  
> Ballot Pools? It this possible under current rules?
>   d.. Should IEEE 802 have sole responsibility for all development  
> and maintenance of IEEE 802.x standards submitted to ISO/IEC for  
> international standardisation
>     a.. Note: this was a fundamental issue in the 802.11i/WAPI debate
>     b.. Note: giving IEEE 802 responsibility for development (with  
> ISO/IEC input) avoids any issues related to two organisations  
> making independent changes to the same document
>   e..  Should IEEE 802 retain copyright on any IEEE 802.x standards  
> submitted to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 for international standardisation?
>     a.. Note: this appears to be the case in the current  
> cooperation agreement, except when an IEEE 802 standard is  
> subjected to Fast Track ballot
>     b.. Note: this also appears to be the current practice, based  
> on comments made by UK NB during recent Fast Track ballot on WAP
>     c.. Note: ISO/IEC might not need copyright unless they wanted  
> to make changes independent of IEEE 802
>   f..  On what basis should ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 accept IEEE 802  
> standards submitted for international standardisation?
>     a.. How many NBs would be required to veto automatic  
> international standardisation?
>     b.. What is the alternate process if automatic standardisation  
> is vetoed?
> Responses related to other issues or the detailed comments on the  
> documents are also invited.
> All responses should be sent to Andrew Myles  
> ( by CoB on Monday 28 August 2006.
> ----------
> This email is sent from the 802 Executive Committee email  
> reflector.  This list is maintained by Listserv.