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[STDS-802-16] Notice Re: +++IEEE 802.16 Letter Ballot #23 (on P802.16/Cor2)+++

Here is an important notice regarding LB#23:

(1) There is a problem with the previously-distributed Commentary  
ballot files (both 802.16-06/057r1 and 802.16-06/057). Namely, for  
one particular change request (#417), a stray ballot comment was  
entered in the field. Therefore, anyone entering a ballot would  
automatically enter that comment, unless they specifically erased it.

To fix this problem, either:

(a) Use 802.16-06/057r1 but erase the ballot comment associated with  
#417, -OR-
(b) Use 802.16-06/057r2:

Also, if I do receive this ballot comment verbatim in a ballot  
submittal, I plan to strike it from the database, assuming it was  

Also, if you use 057r2, you will be in Commentary 2.12, which  
includes a few improvements and bug fixes.

(2) Someone had trouble finding the button to export votes. In case  
you have this problem, follow these instructions:

(a) Go to the Member's View/Vote on Comments page (where the file  
first opens).
(b) In the upper right corner, you will see a tab marked "Submit  
Votes". Click there.
(c) Read the instructions. Click "Save Comment Data to Vote File".


> IEEE 802.16 Working Group Letter Ballot #23 is now open, through 8  
> November 2006 AOE <>.
> The ballot concerns the approval of a set of change requests (CRs)  
> that are proposed for incorporation in the corrigendum draft  
> P802.16/Cor2. The change requests were reviewed and marked as Ready  
> for Ballot by the Maintenance Task Group.
> This letter ballot is unusual in several ways. For one, we have no  
> draft to review at this time. However, prior to completion of the  
> final recirculation, we will have such a draft available. Another  
> unusual aspect is that, per the Working Group Maintenance Process <  
>>, we will need to  
> vote individually on each of the CRs. The approval threshold for  
> each CR is 75%. As usual, comments on the CRs may be submitted and  
> will be subject to comment resolution at Session #46.
> In order to accommodate this procedure, I have developed an  
> entirely new version of the Commentary database tool, with new  
> features. The new version, Commentary 2.0beta, is significantly  
> improved over version 1.x. It has not been thoroughly tested, and  
> it certainly has some bugs, so I'll be counting on you to provide  
> feedback on errors or areas of improvement as we introduce it into  
> the WG. I do believe that that aspects of the program required for  
> LB#23 are working fine.
> To participate in LB#23, first download Commentary2.0beta from this  
> link:
> Unfortunately, it's a large file.
> When you unZIP the download, you will find a folder with several  
> files inside. Any Commentary database you wish to run needs to be  
> inside this folder. The download includes a blank file  
> MyCommentary.CMT that you can use in future ballots. You can  
> duplicate this file as you wish. However, to participate in LB#23,  
> you need to also download a database of the CRs being balloted. You  
> can find that here:
> When you unZIP this file (as 80216-06_057.CMT), you can open it in  
> Commentary. Remember that you need to put in the main Commentary  
> folder that you unZIPed. In some cases, your operating system may  
> have a hard time finding the correct application with which to open  
> 80216-06_057.CMT. If you have trouble, one easy solution is to  
> simply drag-and-drop 80216-06_057.CMT onto the main Commentary  
> application file ( Commentary.exe or
> The database has 532 comments subject to vote. The Maintenance TG  
> marked ten of these (0200, 0380, 0384, 0385, 0498, 0499, 0550,  
> 0642, 0654L, and 0656L) as "May need further harmonization". This  
> note is apparent in the "Group Notes" field. You can see this field  
> if you choose "Review Processed Comments" on the "What Next?" screen.
> If you are Working Group member < 
> members.html>, remember that "Membership shall be lost if two  
> consecutive, or two of any three consecutive, Working Group letter  
> ballots for which the member was eligible are not returned or are  
> returned with an abstention other than for 'lack of technical  
> expertise'." LB#23 is one ballot, not 532.
> Commentary will export your ballot data as a file  
> "BallotID_FAMILYNAME_GIVENNAME.cmtv", saved in your Commentary  
> folder. As noted in the Commentary screen, you need to edit this  
> file name, replacing "BallotID" with "LB#23" and inserting your  
> name as indicated. Then, upload the file to < http:// 
> Let me know if you have any problems.
> Roger
> Roger B. Marks
> Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access
>        <>