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[STDS-802-16] action on 802.16 motions at EC meeting of 17 November

At the 802 EC meeting of 17 November, 802.16 had six agenda items. In addition, 802.18 had three agenda items arising from 802.16 requests.

I've documented the results, according to my understanding:

In summary, all of the motions were approved, with one exception: the 802.16m PAR was not approved.

The details regarding the 802.16m PAR are a bit complicated. Below are some notes on that issue (in addition to the details at the web page cited above).

I first made a motion to forward IEEE 802.16-06/054r3:

This was not identical to the version approved by the 802.16 WG at the Thursday Closing Plenary. To see the difference, read:

The motion on IEEE 802.16-06/054r3 failed.

Later, I moved to modify the agenda to allow me to present the P802.16m PAR as approved by the WG:

The agenda change was approved. I made the motion on IEEE 802.16-06/054r3.

I then seconded a motion by Mr. Greenspan to amend the motion, per:>

The motion to amend carried 14/1/1.

Following subsequent discussion, the question was called. Following further discussion, the 802 Chair ruled that time for the meeting had expired. He adjourned the meeting without bringing the main motion to a vote.

I will be following up on all of these issues. In the case of the 802.16m PAR, there are several possibilities.
