[STDS-802-16] AW: [STDS-802-16] Reference Model for IEEE.802.16-2004
ASN GW is not part of the IEEE 802.16-2004 network.
ASN GW has been introduced by an Industry Forum only, and
exists only in certain sub-models of the End-to-End Network Reference Model used
at that forum.
A reference model for the IEEE.802.16-2004 network is given
in section 1.4 of 802.16-2004 and in its draft Amendment 802.16g/D6 which
includes a logical network abstraction (on both sides of the
radio interface) called Network Control and Management System (NCMS) which
includes an abstraction of all the higher layer functions on top of 802.16
PHY&MAC, as far as this needs to be known from the radio interface
point of view.
There may be some overlap of the NCMS at the network side,
and the ASN GW functions, depending on implementation but that mapping is beyond
the scope of the 802.16 standard.
Hi Guys,
I am preparing a technical specification for both 802.16-2004 and
I need some clarifications.
ASN GW is part of IEEE.802.16-2004 network?
Can anyone send me the reference Model for IEEE.802.16-2004 network.