[STDS-802-16] 3GPP TSG SA liaison statement to 802.16
Dear Vivek,
The IEEE 802.16 Working Group has received a liaison statement from
3GPP TSG SA entitled "Mobility interworking between 3GPP and WiMAX
Much of the statement appears applicable more to 802.21 than to
802.16. Therefore, perhaps you would bring it to the attention of the
802.21 WG.
I would prefer for 802.16 to generate a response at its upcoming
meeting, from 7-10 May <http://ieee802.org/16/meetings/mtg49>. I know
that 802.21 meets the following week.
My suggestion is for 802.16 to prepare and submit a response that may
address some points in the statement but refers to 802.21 as the
primary contact point for interworking. This would provide an
opportunity for 802.21 to prepare a separate response when it meets.
Should you have suggestions regarding 802.16's response, feel free to
submit them as a contribution to the 802.16 WG.