GRIDMAN / 802.16 Members:
As announced there will be a GRIDMAN teleconference tomorrow,
Tuesday 2/9/10 @ 10 AM EST. The access information is:
Toll Free Dial In Number: (866)205-4008
Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number: (801)886-8167
ACCESS CODE: 6336344
The primary purpose will be to continue developing input for the NIST PAP2
Matrix on 802.16m. While this is a GRIDMAN call, it would be helpful if
knowledgeable 802.16m participants attend the call so we can ensure 802.16m is
properly represented.
Best Regards,
Matthew Sherman
Chair, IEEE 802.16 GRIDMAN SG
Matthew Sherman, Ph.D.
BAE Systems
- Electronics, Intelligence, & Support (EI&S)
Office: +1
Cell: +1 973.229.9520