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[STDS-802-16] [16m][MAC Control Ad-hoc] Output Uploaded

Title: [16m][MAC Control Ad-hoc] Output Uploaded

Dear All,

Thank you for your participation in the MAC control Adhoc. Most of the comments have been resolved. After the Mon/Tue and Wed sessions, the following comments related to MAC control message could not be resolved in the ad-hoc, and are hereby deferred to TGm.

-       230 (Femto related)

-       10072, 10074 (LBS)

-       657 (Multicarrier)

-       324, 425, 541, 616, 617, 623, 649, 10046, 10049, 10076, 10080

A zip file containing the commentary database that reflects the recommendations that the group made, has been uploaded to the temp folder:

Please download the database and review the resolutions. If you are dissatisfied with the resolutions, please let us know.

Thanks and Regards
