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Re: [STDS-802-16] Farewell

Best of luck on your new pursuits.  TATA should provide an excellent bridge between practical experience and resources in their home market and the growing applications and services segment.

802.16 has been the force that has shaken up and propelled the wireless industry forward.  The overall picture has been one of great accomplishments in meeting collaboration as well as technological challenges.

Viva la WBB Revolution! (many good things will come of this!)

On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 5:40 PM, Puthenkulam, Jose P <> wrote:

Dear 802.16 friends and colleagues,


It is with mixed feelings that I announce my plans to step down as Vice Chair of the 802.16 WG, as I’ve decided to leave Intel and pursue a new position in Tata Consultancy Services North America in the Mobile applications and services area starting Oct 18th. I still plan to attend the November IEEE 802.16 plenary meeting in Dallas. But I hope we could have an VC election in November and have a smooth transition.


Over the past several years you have given me the privilege to serve you as Vice Chair and we have accomplished a lot together. One of the most important accomplishments of 802.16 and WiMAX has been to make mobile broadband affordable for the masses. I sincerely believe we have indeed helped make a big difference in this area. We have also created immense impact in the wireless broadband ecosystem with our 802.16e and 802.16m projects. One of the amazing traits for IEEE 802.16 has been the boldness to embrace leading technologies and concepts and to make them possible to be realized in products based on our standards in a very fast paced manner. I hope the IEEE 802.16 Working Group continues that tradition as you embark on the IEEE 802.16n and 802.16p projects and many more to come. Wireless technologies are the future and they are set to pervade and assist in many aspects of people’s daily lives.


It’s been an honor to work among such a talented group of individuals in IEEE 802.16 and 802 at large and wish you all the best for the future. I also thank you for the trust you placed in me over these many years, I hope I’ve been able to live up to your expectations. I’m surely going to miss you all. I very much hope someday I get to come back to IEEE 802 again.


BTW, I also want to point out that, this by no means implies that Intel is backing away from supporting 802.16 efforts. This was purely a personal decision and I expect Intel to continue to support IEEE 802.16 WG efforts going forward.


Hope to see you all in November, one more time to say good bye. Hope to also stay in touch thru Linked-In or other tools.


Thanks & best regards,



My email after Oct 15th: {puthenkulam}

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