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[STDS-802-16] [802.16p][DEV RG] Reliability of Multicast Operation for M2M

Dear 16p members,

There was general consensus on multicast operation for 16p.  Mr. Jeongki Kim of LGE has volunteered to lead the harmonization efforts to come up with a basic text for Multicast operation working with other contributors to the topic.  

He will advise the group when the harmonized text is ready, so we can review it.


In discussing multicast operation for M2M today, we agreed that the reliability should be a key feature for M2M downlink multicast.   In particular, there were two approaches outlined for making multicast operation reliable – one with feedback and one with repetition and no feedback.  If you have proposals for the group to consider on this issue, please share and discuss them in this email chain.


Thank you for your cooperation



Kaushik & Ming-Hung

DEV RG Chairs