Dear all,
This is Youngsoo Yuk from LG Electronics.
About the ranging resource issues,
Basically I also think that to share the ranging resource is best
for congestion control.
Since long period for ranging means higher access priority,
to mitigate the concentrated access trial in a ranging
additional load distribution schemes should be provided.
The management of ranging load control is to change the number
of ranging resource according to the average ranging load.
However the problem is that the allocation of ranging resource is
not always possible.
One Ranging channel requires 2 subbands (8 LRU) : 5% of total UL
resource with 5:3 configuration.
And, max 1 ranging channel per frame ( dynamic ranging can be considered
And, with more than 2 codes, miss detection/false alarm probabilities
increase too high.
In my simulation results, with 30000 MSs, 1 ranging channel per
super frame,
Average number of ranging codes per ranging channel
0.17 (1 event/MS/hour), 0.337 (1 event/MS/30min.), 0.9745 (1
event/MS/10 min.), 1.99 (1 event/MS/1 min.)
And, ratio of contention (%) was
0.2 (1 event/MS/hour), 0.2 (1 event/MS/30min.), 7.4 (1 event/MS/10
min.), 32 (1 event/MS/1 min.)
I’m not sure whether it will be serious to 16m AMS.
In addition, the scheme with different ranging interval, because
of concentration of ranging trial, the contention ratio increase.
(e.g. 7.4 è 12.7 (1 event/MS/10 min.)) è It
requires additional scheme for access distribution.
The dedicated M2M ranging resource, may be a waste of ranging
(usually maximum utilization of random access channel is limited
by 30% with 1% contention ratio)
How many resource, How many MS can be considered.
From the point, I prefer to discuss the semi-dynamic load
control by using access restriction by some amount of time period.
I’m sorry for my not providing clear comment. But, after I finished
all of my simulation, I’ll provide more detailed opinion on the issues.
From: Wei-Chieh Huang [mailto:aj@ITRI.ORG.TW]
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 9:42 PM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1] Discussion on access
control during network reentry from idle mode
Dear Hyunjeong and all
Thanks for your comments.
Firstly, M2M devices are supposed to operate in idle mode at most
In addition, M2M devices or M2M groups with different applications
may perform network reentry from idle mode simultaneously.
In order to allow some delay-sensitive M2M devices or M2M groups
to enter network more quickly, I think that M2M devices with different
applications shall have different ranging parameters.
Accordingly, priority shall be introduced into ranging process for
M2M devices.
In my opinion, dividing ranging resources is not necessary for M2M
device performing network access with priority. M2M devices with various
priority levels may share the same ranging resources but have different ranging
Finally, the number of priority levels and related ranging
parameters could be discussed and then defined in future.
Wei-Chieh Huang
Hyunjeong Kang []
寄件日期: 2011年02月16日 下午 04:33
主旨: Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1]
Discussion on access control during network reentry from idle mode
Dear Jin, Wei-Chieh and all,
Wei-Chieh, thank you for give your opinion about priority factor.
I have more questions as below.
First, could you give more information why we should classify
access priority level only for M2M service flow?
The QoS characteristics are different per M2M service, but I’m not sure it should be solved by access priority not “QoS parameter including priority”.
Second, do you have any analysis how different type of M2M service
gets a benefit to access with this access priority?
I wonder dividing ranging resources for this prioritized access
classes is better than sharing the resources.
Please note that in the existing standard, “emergency call” or “NS/EP” is supported without any access priority from a ranging resource
point of view.
Third, do you have any reference to decide a priority for each M2M
service, i.e., how we should decide the value for each priority access class?
From: Jin Lee
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1] Discussion on access
control during network reentry from idle mode
Thanks you all for sharing your thoughts.
The concept of priority factor may be similar to one of
access class defined in 16m. However, as Jaesun mentioned,
current access class is specified for a service flow in connected
state. So I am not sure how we can map these two.
now, let's discuss high level texts first by consensus
before going into details. (e.g., use lookup table, SCD message or else)
So I suggest to discuss the following texts fisrt as
baseline. Once agreed, we can describe further procedure.
An M2M priority level is used for prioritizing
access requests during the ranging procedure for network reentry from idle
Ranging opportunities may be assigned
differently to M2M devices or M2M groups according to their M2M priority level.
Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011
2:53 PM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG
- NE #1] Discussion on access control during network reentry from idle mode
Wei-Chieh,Jaesun and all:
access class is used for BR, I think access class is related on ranging access.
So I think we can use the concept of access class in 16m for network
entry and reentry. For how to use this parameter, Let's think about it more.
need have the common view on the way forward of priority
access. Any comments are welcome!
------- Original Message -------
Sender : Wei-Chieh Huang<aj@ITRI.ORG.TW>
Date : 二月 16, 2011 14:23 (GMT+09:00)
Title : Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1] Discussion on
access control during network reentry from idle mode
Dear Lei and all
Thanks for your comment
To my understanding, 16e and 16m does not specify the ranging
access with priority.
Thus, I am not sure how to reuse the parameters for M2M devices
performing network entry or re-entry.
From: lei
zhou []
Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 11:53 AM
Subject: Re: Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1] Discussion on access
control during network reentry from idle mode
Wei-Chieh and all:
have mentioned that we can reuse the parameter access class in
16m for priority access control in CC#2 of DEV-RG. BS can control
access load based on the parameter access class.
comments are welcome.
------- Original Message -------
Sender : Wei-Chieh Huang<aj@ITRI.ORG.TW>
Date : 二月 16, 2011 11:31 (GMT+09:00)
Title : Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1] Discussion on
access control during network reentry from idle mode
Dear Jaesun and all
Thank you for your comment.
I think that a pre-defined lookup table can be well defined in the
standard document.
An M2M device determines the ranging parameters according to the
lookup table.
The lookup table size and related parameters could be further
discussed and then defined.
In addition, I am not sure the meaning of the “worst case”.
Could you please explain it more clearly?
Best regards,
Wei-Chieh Huang
From: 차재선
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 3:19 PM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1] Discussion on access
control during network reentry from idle mode
you for your comment.
agree with you. To add some parameters into SCD message increases overhead.
Then, where do you want to define a table about ranging parameters? Do you mean
that a priority table should be statically defined as a system parameters?
not sure how many priority factors are needed a this moment. In my guess, one
or two priority factors are needed at early deployment stage. But, if many M2M
services with different QoS requirements are supported in 802.16 networks,
then more priority factors may be needed.
Do we
have to provide a static table considering the worst case?
Access Technology Research Team
Telecommunication Research Laboratory
and Telecommunications Research Institute
+82-42-860-5587, FAX: +82-42-861-1966
-----원본 메시지-----
From: "Wei-Chieh Huang" <aj@ITRI.ORG.TW>
From Date: 2011-02-15 오후 3:10:08
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1] Discussion on access
control during network reentry from idle mode
Dear Jaesun and all
I believe it's more
flexible to include ranging information in SCD.
However, it also
increases overhead. In addition, is “more flexible” necessary?
I think that a simple
pre-defined table indicating ranging information shall be sufficient.
Therefore, only the
priority factor needs to be assigned before the devices entering idle mode.
Best regards,
Wei-Chieh Huang and
Ping-Heng Kuo
From: 차재선
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1] Discussion on access
control during network reentry from idle mode
you for your response.
there are two trigger modes for network reentry. So, I would like to hear other
member's opinion on the use of single mechanism for both cases.
authors of contributions (C0008, C0009, C0017, C0026) give us feedbacks on the
high-level operation, then we can try to provide the consolidated contribution.
ranging information, Yes, you are right. Ranging information is carried by
S-SFH SP3. But, there are only 3 types of ranging information (initial, HO,
BR). We can further divide ranging information only for M2M devices in SCD.
Ranging information in SCD may be subset of ranging information for human
devices or may be seperated from ranging information for human devices. In my
opinion, it's more flexible to include ranging information in SCD.
Access Technology Research Team
Telecommunication Research Laboratory
and Telecommunications Research Institute
+82-42-860-5587, FAX: +82-42-861-1966
From: lei
zhou []
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2011 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG - NE #1] Discussion on access
control during network reentry from idle mode
Jaesun and all:
you for Jaesun's initializing discussion on network reentry.
am Lei from Samsung.
have the similar view on network reentry trigger with Jaesun. There are
two trigger modes for network reentry inculding network and terminals (MS and
Group).For network reentry triggered M2M group,we need uniform some attributes
including Group ID,member ID, group delagate and group member of M2M
S-SFH SP3 has carriered ranging information. Any comments are welcome.
------- Original
Message -------
Sender : 차재선<>
Date : 二月 14, 2011 19:15 (GMT+09:00)
Title : [STDS-802-16] [16p PWR RG -
NE #1] Discussion on access control during network reentry from idle mode
Jaesun Cha from ETRI.
I have
uploaded a new contribution regarding access control in the upload server
(C802.16p-rg-11/0035). So, I sent this e-mail to inform you of the new
contribution and to discuss access control related contributions including my
to Contribution #33r2, there are 5 contributions regarding access control (including
my contribution). Most of them propose an assignment of additional access
control information but assignment method and detailed
information are different from one another.
So, I
would like to suggest to discuss a high-level piture on access control
method before going into detailed access control information. For
example, How does an ABS indicate any additional information for ranging
process? When does an ABS assign an additional parameter for ranging process?
an aggrement on this high-level operation is made, we can go further to discuss
any detailed access control information.
is my opinion on access control.
agree that access congestion may happen after group paging. But, although there
is no paging, access control may happen. If an AMS has UL data to be
transmitted during idle mode, it will perform network reentry by transmitting a
ranging code. In smart metering use case, many devices may have same report
period, which means that many smart metering devices will perform
ranging process at the same time.
So, I
think we have to provide the same access control mechanism for
network reentry triggered by a network as well as by an AMS.
doing that, I proposes to transmit system information regarding access control
for M2M devices through SCD message and to assign an index to each M2M
device during idle mode entry procedure. The assigned index indicates access
control information (ranging information) to be used during future network
reentry. The same index may be assigned to different paging group or different
index may be assigned to different devices which belonging to the same M2M
group. Of course, this index may be updated or overrided by a paging message.
who is interested in access control please share your opinion through this
e-mail thread.
comments on my suggestion or my contribution are welcomed.
Access Technology Research Team
Telecommunication Research Laboratory
and Telecommunications Research Institute
+82-42-860-5587, FAX: +82-42-861-1966
-----원본 메시지-----
From: "Kiseon Ryu" <kiseon.ryu@LGE.COM>
From Date: 2011-02-14 오전 8:50:43
Subject: [STDS-802-16] [802.16p][PWR RG] Summary of 1st PWR RG CC
Dear 16p members,
Thanks to all of you
for joining the first PWR RG conference call and sharing much valuable
I’ve uploaded the meeting summary capturing
Q&A discussion during the call (80216p-rg-11_0034.doc) to the upload server.
Here are some key
issues and action items of today's call:
1. Idle Mode Operation
[IDLE#1] New Group
Paging Concept (Including hierarchical paging): Need to clarify its gain?
[IDLE#2] Modified &
Additional LU mechanism (Cell-/Timer-based): Is new definition necessary?
[IDLE#3] Longer Paging
Hyunjeong, Soojung, and
Giwon presented their contribution. I would like to ask someone among you
volunteering to lead the harmonization on each topic.
2. Network Reentry from
Idle Mode
[NE#1] Definition of
Waiting Time before UL ranging for network re-entry
a. Waiting time after receiving paging: Need to clarify its gain?
b. Different ranging opportunities for M2M group with priority: Increased
congestions to low priority group?
[NE#2] Dedicated
ranging code and/or ranging region for M2M (e.g., S-RNG): Impact to legacy MS
and its overhead of dedicated region?
Jin, Chiwoo, Ping-Heng,
Andreas, Yu-Chuan, Wei-Chieh presented their contribution. I would like to ask
someone among you volunteering to lead the harmonization on each topic.
3. Device collaboration
[DC#1] on-/off-state
frame control for DC support: Need to clarify the power saving gain from device
Jinsoo presented the
contribution. Jinsoo, could you initiate harmonization activities with other
If there is any other
issue, please let us know.
* Notes:
1. For all members who
are interested in the above 6 issues, please share your opinion.
2. The initiation of
the e-mail discussion, please use the HEADER (e.g., [IDLE#1], [NE#2]...) in the
e-mail title.
Kiseon Ryu
PWR RG Chair
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Best Regards
Dr.Lei Zhou (周雷) ,Ph.D.
Senior Engineer,
Mobile WIMAX Evolution Standards,
Advanced Standard Research Group,
China SAMSUNG Telecom R&D Center,
12/F Zhongdian Fazhan Building, No.9,Xiaguang Li,
Chaoyang District Beijing,China 100125
TEL:(010)5925-3333 Ext.3112
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Best Regards
Dr.Lei Zhou (周雷) ,Ph.D.
Senior Engineer,
Mobile WIMAX Evolution Standards,
Advanced Standard Research Group,
China SAMSUNG Telecom R&D Center,
12/F Zhongdian Fazhan Building, No.9,Xiaguang Li,
Chaoyang District Beijing,China 100125
TEL:(010)5925-3333 Ext.3112
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