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Re: [STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC] Discussion on Usages and Frame Structure for DC

Hi All


Thanks, Sungcheol and Haiguang,


In order to keep same thread I’m commenting on both Sungcheol’s email and Haiguang comment. Let’s try to keep the number of threads to a minimum;


Regarding use cases:


I like Haiguang's proposal to separate the overview along SRD lines. To clarify what I think is the intent, I would like to modify that text (see below).

I also support Haiguang’s statement that as the SRD doesn’t discuss services then all scenarios should support all services.


Other than some minor editorials, the reasons for the suggested changes are as follows:


-    AWD text shouldn’t discuss usage which is up to implementation. We can discuss modes.

-    I have used the term “infrastructure node” to refer to HR-BS or HR-RS.

-    I have replaced “HR-MSs does not associate to HR-BS “ with “Infrastructure nodes are absent”. The latter is from the SRD, the former implies that HR-BS is present but the HR-MS ignore it which is not in the SRD.


The cleaned, revised text is therefore:


* Modes for HR-MS direct communication

  - Both HR-MSs are associated with an infrastructure node.

  - Infrastructure nodes are absent.


* Modes for HR-MS local forwarding

  - One HR-MS is associated with an infrastructure node and one or more other HR-MSs are out of coverage of an infrastructure node.



Regarding frame structure:


One of the alternatives discussed by Sungcheol is a “DC specific frame structure including dedicated resource usage (Zone)”


I would like to ask the Sungcheol and the rest of the forum what is the meaning of this alternative, specifically:

1)  Are 2 HR-MS in the same cell allowed to transmit on the same resources (assuming that they are far enough)?

2)  Is the HR-BS allowed to re-use the same resources for its own DL transmissions or the UL transmissions of one of its HR-MS (assuming that the HR-MS is close enough to the HR-BS)?

3)  Are these resources fixed for all cells?

4)  Can they change over time?


Thanks and Best Regards,



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-----Original Message-----
From: Wang Haiguang [mailto:hwang@I2R.A-STAR.EDU.SG]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: [STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC] Discussion on Usages and Frame Structure for DC


Hi, Sungcheol and all.


According the SRD, the system requirements for

direct communication ( and HR-MS forwarding

( are defined in two separate sub-sections.


I think that we should define two separate sets of usages

for the direct communication and local forwarding as follows:

* Usages [EZ] Modes for HR-MS direct communication

  - [EZ] Both HR-MSs are associated with an HR-BS infrastructure node.

  - HR-MSs does not associate to HR-BS.[EZ] Infrastructure nodes are absent.


* Usages [EZ] Modes for HR-MS local forwarding

  - One HR-MSs  [EZ]is associated [EZ] with HR-BS infrastructure node and another one [EZ] one or more other HR-MSs are out of the coverage of HR-BS infrastructure nodes.


The direct communication and local forwarding should

be designed to support various applications, including

both data, video and voice since the SRD does not

make any constraint on the supported application.








-----Original Message-----

From: Sungcheol Chang []

Sent: Wed 4/6/2011 8:48 AM


Subject: [STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC] Discussion on Usages and Frame Structure for DC


Dear 16n participants,




This is a kick-off mail for e-mail discussion on Usages and Frame Structure for direct communication


I suggest discussion guidelines as the followings:


- The subject of all the e-mails begins with the tag "[STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC]" because DC RG has one e-mail discussion group now.


- Reply mails are expected to be within 24 hours because participants have different time zones.


- Any participants can add technical discussion issues for DC usage scenarios ad DC frame structure only.




[STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC][Usage] Discussion on Usage Scenarios


There are three scenarios of direct communication (Let's focus on two HR-MSs at first)


1) Two HR-MSs under HR-BS coverage


2) One HR-MS under HR-BS coverage and The other HR-MS out of HR-BS coverage. (HR-MS forwarding)


3) Two HR-MSs in absent of HR-BS




[STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC][Frame] Discussion on Frame Structure


Two cases of frame structure for direct communication


1) 16 frame structure including infrastructure frame structure and relay frame structure.


2) DC specific frame structure including dedicated resource usage (Zone)




Two cases of DC resource separation within 16 frame structure


1) TDM separation (Wideband approach)


2) FDM separation (Narrowband approach)




Note) Base on this kick-off e-mail, 16n participants concerning direct communication are encouraged to join this e-mail discussion actively.


Note) If participants want, participants can trigger e-mail discussion on other topic freely. Please use the other tag! (DC RG is not authorized to manage e-mail discussion among participants from 16n TG)




Best regards,


Sungcheol Chang