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Re: [STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC][General] Backward Compatibility

Dear 16n members,


On this matter, I am just putting a note below at this moment.

Since Backward Compatibility is mandatory, the 16m/16e devices must be operable with the 16n network.  In that sense, I am not sure how following ideas of the baseline AWD (C80216n-rg-11-0023r1.doc) meet such requirement. Any advice or understanding of members would be appreciated.


1)    In the Figure 247a and 249a, a new symbol design is illustrated for DL and UL each. Those allocations of pilot carrier and data carrier look new and different from those of 16m/16e.  Now, how can the 16m/16e devices communicate with such 16n stations?

Ref: -C80216n-rg-11-0010r1.pdf



2)  Now Virtual superframe (4 superframes = 16 frames /80ms) is going to be defined.  The Virutual superframe seems to be a new concept, and the last frame of 16 frames is special in a sense that contains SC beacon preamble and SC beacons.  Even with this unique cyclic structure, do the existing 16m/16e devices work as they are now with the 16n network?

Ref: - 802.16n-rg-11/0015.doc

- 802.16n-11/0013r3.doc

- 802.16n-11/0014r2.doc



Best regards,


From: FujimotoKenichi []
Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 5:52 PM
Subject: [STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC][General] Backward Compatibility


Dear Sungcheol and All of 16n members,


I have a general comment.

Since I am just wondering to which category this topic should be addressed, I have made it as [General]. That should be applied to the all topics of Frame, PHY, Channels, MAC signaling, and all.  


All of the proposed ideas need to have Backward compatibility with the 16e and 16m as defined in the SRD 5.1. Interoperability with the 16e/m is required. But some of the proposed methods described in the current baseline document (rg-11/0023r1) or proposed contributions seem not be clear on this point. So, we should keep in mind it when discussing AWD.  


Thank you,


From: Sungcheol Chang []
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:48 AM
Subject: [STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC] Discussion on Usages and Frame Structure for DC


Dear 16n participants,


This is a kick-off mail for e-mail discussion on Usages and Frame Structure for direct communication

I suggest discussion guidelines as the followings:

- The subject of all the e-mails begins with the tag [STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC] because DC RG has one e-mail discussion group now.

- Reply mails are expected to be within 24 hours because participants have different time zones.

- Any participants can add technical discussion issues for DC usage scenarios ad DC frame structure only.


[STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC][Usage] Discussion on Usage Scenarios

There are three scenarios of direct communication (Lets focus on two HR-MSs at first)

1) Two HR-MSs under HR-BS coverage

2) One HR-MS under HR-BS coverage and The other HR-MS out of HR-BS coverage. (HR-MS forwarding)

3) Two HR-MSs in absent of HR-BS


[STDS-802-16] [802.16n][DC][Frame] Discussion on Frame Structure

Two cases of frame structure for direct communication

1) 16 frame structure including infrastructure frame structure and relay frame structure.

2) DC specific frame structure including dedicated resource usage (Zone)


Two cases of DC resource separation within 16 frame structure

1) TDM separation (Wideband approach)

2) FDM separation (Narrowband approach)


Note) Base on this kick-off e-mail, 16n participants concerning direct communication are encouraged to join this e-mail discussion actively.

Note) If participants want, participants can trigger e-mail discussion on other topic freely. Please use the other tag! (DC RG is not authorized to manage e-mail discussion among participants from 16n TG)


Best regards,

Sungcheol Chang