Since the P802.16q ballot recirc closed
without incident, the comment resolution meeting (originally planned for
4 December) is cancelled.
Original Message --------
to: 802 EC reflector
802.16 reflector
Dear EC Colleagues:
I am writing to
report on the status of P802.16q, per the Clause 12 Conditional Approval
(for RevCom) granted on 6 November.
The Clause 12 conditions
have been met.
*The recirculation ballot was completed in
accordance with the schedule (15 days, closing 2014-11-26)
approval percentage is at least 75% and there are no new valid
disapprove votes (approval ratio: 98% [53/1/1])
*No changes result
from the recirc.
*No disapprove comments or disapprove votes received
during the recirc.
The draft will be accordingly be forwarded to