On June 30, 2017 at 1:21:34 PM, Glenn Parsons (glenn.parsons@ericsson.com) wrote:
As you may know, we are having a kick off for the IEEE 802 Network Enhancements for the Next Decade Industry Connections (IC) Program in Berlin.
We are looking to identify new opportunities for 802 technologies. An initial view is that these would focus on new verticals like industrial manufacturing, automotive, or the cable industry….
It’s looking more like the 802.1 chair (i.e., yours truly) will lead this inaugural meeting as a result of the unsuccessful effort in identifying a chair…
In any case, please let me know if you or any of your WG members may have any ideas that you would like to present.
Glenn Parsons - Chair, IEEE 802.1
About IEEE 802 Network Enhancements for the Next Decade Industry
Connections (IC) Program
The mobile industry is currently pursuing the development of the next generation mobile communication networks fulfilling the
requirements for extreme mobile broadband, massive machine-type communication, and ultra-reliable and low latency communications as specified in ITU-R M.2083 for IMT-2020.
IEEE 802 technologies are mainly deployed in communication infrastructures outside of the IMT domain. Therefore, to address
emerging network requirements, the IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee is launching a new initiative under the
IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Industry Connections Program. This activity will assess emerging requirements for
IEEE 802 based communication infrastructures, identify commonalities, gaps, and trends not currently addressed by IEEE 802 standards and projects, and facilitate building industry consensus towards proposals to initiate new standards development efforts.
Learn more.
Project activities and deliverables
Participants in this activity may work on the following outputs:
A report documenting the findings of the IC activity, with recommendations regarding new standardization topics, documentation of use cases and user needs for those topics, and proposed organizational
approaches to ensure effective participation from user communities. It is expected that the first draft of the report documenting the findings of this IC activity will be available in March 2018.
Stakeholders - Who should join
Stakeholders may include but are not limited to:
Users and producers of systems and components for networking systems, high performance computing, cloud computing, telecommunications carriers, automotive, intelligent transport systems, eHealth, smart
cities, IoT, and industrial applications
Participation – How to join
There will be a kickoff meeting for this Program to be held 11 July 2017 from 19:00 - 21:00 CET (Central European Time) at
the IEEE 802® Plenary Meeting in Berlin, Germany. The Industry Connections meeting location is located at Sonnenallee
225 | Room: Estrelsaal B (Lobby). There is no registration fee required to attend this IC meeting.
For additional information, please contact the Working Group Chair, Glenn
Meeting discussions may include:
Background (the origins of this IC Activity)
Project Objectives/Scope
Project Plan – Automotive, Industry Automation, etc.
Participant Expectations
Communications Plan (information sharing, meetings, schedule, etc.)
Actions/Next Steps
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