The IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Standards

IEEE 802.16 Experts List

Updated: 2020-07-14

Per the IEEE 802 LMSC Operations Manual, "The chair of a hibernating WG shall maintain a list of experts that are available to answer questions and provide clarification about the standards and/or recommended practices generated by the WG."

The chair has designated the roster of WG Members at the time of hibernation, plus the Technical Editor of IEEE Std 802.16-2017, as the list of experts.
Name\Family Name\Given Affiliation City State/Province Country/Admin
BimsHarryBims LaboratoriesMenlo ParkCAUSA
FinchRobertSelect Spectrum; BPC Spectrum

GodfreyTimElectric Power Research Institute, Inc. (EPRI)Overland ParkKSUSA
MarksRogerEthAirNet AssociatesDenverCOUSA
MuriasRonaldMurias Consulting, Inc.CalgaryABCanada
ShaharMenasheOndas Networks Inc.SunnyvaleCAUSA
SimpsonGuyOndas Networks Inc.SunnyvaleCAUSA

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