IEEE 802.16 Issues for 802 LMSC EC Meeting of Friday 13 November 2015

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# Agenda Item Agenda Issue Result
ME 5.041
To forward an IEEE P802.16.3 withdrawal request to NesCom
Moved: Marks; Seconded: Godfrey
ME 5.042
To forward, to NesCom, PAR P802.16s (IEEE 802.16-15-0051-00) and accept the accompanying CSD (IEEE 802.16-15-0052-00)
Moved: Marks; Seconded: Godfrey

Informational notes:

* = consent agenda

ME=Motion External; MI=Motion Internal; DT=Discussion Topic; II=Information Item

Roger Marks (
Chair, IEEE 802.16 Working Group on Broadband Wireless Access Standards